9 months ago


Fake stores

Customers have raised concerns about Ussporthubopt.com, alleging that it’s running a counterfeit store scam. The website, which was only 120 days old when the issue was detected, doesn’t provide a contact number for customer service. Furthermore, the company’s address listed on the site is not genuine. The products offered on the site are replicas, potentially posing a safety risk due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The website’s content appears to be unoriginal, likely lifted from similar sources. The company lacks any presence in terms of reviews on well-known consumer review websites.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. These scams often sell counterfeit goods or simply take money without delivering any products. They may use copied content and provide false contact information to deceive customers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is when fraudsters create a phony online shop. This fictitious store often features products at incredibly low prices. The aim is to lure innocent shoppers into buying items that never arrive. Emails and social media are common platforms used by scammers. They entice potential victims with irresistible offers and discounts. Websites that mimic genuine online stores are also part of their strategy. Frequent promises made by these scammers include high-quality products for a fraction of the cost. They may also offer limited time deals to create a sense of urgency. Once a shopper falls for the scam, they either receive a worthless product or nothing at all. Many scammers are expert in masking their tracks, making it difficult to track them. They often use untraceable payment methods. This not only allows them to evade detection but also to keep the money they've deceitfully acquired.


Acriphaxinc.com, a website we’ve recently examined, operates under the guise of an investment opportunity. However, it’s nothing more than a classic scam. The modus operandi involves promising investors sky-high returns on their capital. Once the unsuspecting individuals transfer their funds, the perpetrators behind the website disappear without a trace. A notable red flag is the […]


Reports have surfaced from everyday consumers about Orbitdual-fx.com, raising allegations of it perpetrating an investment scam. They dangle the promise of substantial earnings after you invest, but instead, they simply take the money and vanish without a trace. The website seems barren, devoid of any social media footprint. Multiple unfinished pages scattered across the site […]


Vinnydigital.org operates as a fraudulent crypto exchange. The deceit got exposed just after the website’s 33rd day of operation. It lures in individuals with promises of significant returns on their initial investments, but the reality is it’s an elaborate scheme. The scammers remove the deposited funds and vanish without a trace. Throughout the internet, not […]


People have raised complaints about Infinitypulsetrade.com, claiming it’s a fraudulent investment scheme. The site lacks a customer service contact number, making it difficult for users to seek help or clarification. The information provided on the website is not only misleading but also false, as the business doesn’t exist at the address given. Furthermore, the graphics […]


The website Ipic-miners.cloud is believed to be conducting deceptive investment operations. They make grandiose promises of high returns on your investment, but once you transfer your funds, they vanish along with your money. The phone numbers listed on their site don’t seem to work anymore. The address of their supposed business premises mentioned on the […]

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