2 weeks ago


Fake stores

Truefishst.shop is a scam. The site probably runs from China. When we checked, the website was 144 days old. The photos on the site don’t show the real products. The website displays fake reviews from made-up customers. The business doesn’t seem to be registered in the state it says it’s in. No reviews of the website exist outside of their own pages.

A fake store scam involves a website pretending to sell products but actually deceiving customers with false information and fake reviews.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online shop. Scammers design these websites to look like legitimate businesses. They often offer popular items at prices that seem too good to be true. Scammers promise fast shipping and high-quality products. They use professional-looking photos and detailed descriptions to lure customers. Many of these sites have fake customer reviews to build trust. The checkout process appears secure, but the scammers steal payment information. They may also ask for personal details like addresses and phone numbers. Once payment is made, the victims either receive counterfeit goods or nothing at all. Scammers sometimes use social media ads to drive traffic to their fake stores. They often disappear quickly, leaving no trace for authorities to follow.


Consumers have flagged Targetsunglass.com as a fraudulent online store. This website is relatively new, having been registered merely 60 days prior to this report. It fails to provide a customer service contact number, which raises suspicion. The content on the website is unoriginal, seemingly copied from similar websites. The products on offer are counterfeit and […]


Our investigation reveals that Homeholdelegant.com is a sham site. The website’s content is not unique, hinting at a potential scam. It offers items that are falsely represented, potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their construction. The pictures displayed on the site fail to accurately represent the products for sale. Many of the […]


10xoptionglobal.com has been identified as an investment scam operation. This company makes lofty promises of rapidly increasing your funds. However, upon investing, it becomes apparent that they are merely scam artists who disappear with your money. The customer service numbers provided on their website are currently non-functional. Further investigation reveals that the business address listed […]


Bitgotrade.com, a website that’s been active for 320 days, is reportedly involved in an investment scam. The customer service numbers provided on the site seem to be unresponsive, and the business address displayed is not real. Furthermore, the company barely has any presence on social media. The website entices potential investors with the promise of […]


Pixumaiapp.com runs a crypto scam. The company lacks a presence on social media. Major consumer review platforms have no reviews for them. The website was just 9 days old when detected. No customer service phone number is available on the site. They promise big earnings through investments, but once you invest, the scammers take the […]

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