2 months ago


Crypto scams

Consumers have flagged Tradexchangedeck.com as a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, only 140 days old at the time of reporting, doesn’t provide a contact number for customer service. A bogus business address is listed on the site, which lacks a social media footprint. Reviews about the company are conspicuously absent. They lure investors with promises of hefty profits, but once you invest, your money disappears into thin air, along with the scammers.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme that involves tricking individuals into investing in non-existent or worthless digital currencies. Scammers often promise high returns to lure potential victims. Once the victims invest their money, the scammers disappear, leaving the victims with significant financial losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Crypto scams are fraudulent schemes involving cryptocurrencies. Scammers may promise high returns for investments in Bitcoin or other digital currencies. These promises often sound too good to be true. Scammers often use online platforms to reach potential victims. They may use social media, email, or even cold calling to lure people into their schemes. They can create fake websites or social media accounts to appear legitimate. A common tactic is the Ponzi scheme. Here, scammers pay returns to earlier investors using funds contributed by later investors. This creates an illusion of a profitable investment. Another method is the pump and dump scheme. Scammers inflate the price of a cryptocurrency by spreading false news. When the price rises, they sell their holdings, causing the price to crash and investors to lose money. In ICO (Initial Coin Offering) scams, scammers lure investors with a new cryptocurrency project. After raising funds, they disappear without launching the project.


Customers have flagged Lovesporter.com as a dubious online store. The website, which was only 92 days old at the time of the report, doesn’t offer a customer service phone number. The business address provided online is also fictitious. The products displayed on the website are misleading and potentially risky due to the poor quality of […]


Our investigation has uncovered that Trendmaximinings.com is a fraudulent investment platform. They entice potential investors with promises of high returns, but once the funds are deposited, the fraudsters abscond with the money. The website showcases images that lack authenticity. Moreover, the website’s registration is recent, with the domain name being just 39 days old at […]


It has come to our attention that Assestsgeniushub.com is not a legitimate investment platform. They lure you in with promises of substantial returns on your investments, but once you hand over your money, they vanish without a trace. The content on their website is far from unique, with striking similarities to other websites of the […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Bitminingcapital.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent cryptocurrency operation. The website, which is relatively new with a domain age of just 79 days at the time of the report, has been accused of duping investors. They promise high returns on investments, but once the money is invested, the alleged scammers […]


Customers have voiced concerns about Shoratic.com, alleging it’s a fraudulent online store. The website was only registered recently, with the domain name just 92 days old at the time of these complaints. Interestingly, the contact numbers provided on the site seem to be disconnected. Moreover, the company’s listed address appears to be false. The products […]

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