8 months ago


Crypto scams

Tradedemat.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent crypto exchange platform. The site, which has been active for a mere 84 days, promises significant growth on investments. However, once the investment is made, the fraudsters behind the site abscond with the money. The site is also characterized by misleading reviews from customers who, in reality, do not exist. A glaring red flag is the lack of a customer support phone number on the website. Additionally, the site has failed to garner any followers on social media platforms, further raising suspicions about its legitimacy.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a fake cryptocurrency exchange platform lures unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns. Once the investment is made, the scammers vanish with the funds, leaving the investors high and dry. These scams often feature fake customer reviews and lack proper customer support, making it difficult for the victims to seek redress.

Red Flags

Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A crypto exchange scam tricks individuals into losing their hard-earned money. Scammers often present a too-good-to-be-true investment opportunity. They promise high returns and instant wealth. Sometimes, scammers create fake cryptocurrency exchange platforms. They often use slick, professional-looking websites to lure in unsuspecting victims. The user is then asked to deposit their money or cryptocurrency into these platforms. Once the deposit is made, the scammer has control of the funds. They can then disappear, leaving the victim with no way to retrieve their money. The victim is left empty-handed while the scammer moves on to their next victim. In other instances, the scam may involve a Ponzi scheme. Early investors are paid returns using the investments of later participants. This creates an illusion of a profitable investment. But when new investors stop coming in, the scheme collapses.


On February 10, 2023, ScamGuard received a report that Deluxeloyaltyprogram.com could be involved in unethical or fraudulent activities. The website’s ownership is concealed by a third-party privacy service and there is no physical address provided. The actual location of the business is unclear. Evidence suggests that the website was hastily put together as it contains […]


Handmpottery.com is under scrutiny from shoppers who claim it’s a fraudulent online store. This website was discovered to be merely one month old. A notable absence on the site is a contact number for customer service. Evidently, the content showcased on this website lacks originality, closely resembling numerous other similar sites. The images used on […]


Beware of Tphit.co, they’re operating an unscrupulous investment scheme. They lure you with the promise of substantial returns on your investments, but once you part with your money, it vanishes into thin air. Their alleged affiliations, as advertised on their site, are nothing more than lies. Upon closer examination of their website, numerous pages are […]


Venturelex-assets.com is under suspicion for operating an investment fraud scheme. Promising substantial returns on investments, the site entices unsuspecting individuals to part with their money, only for the fraudsters to disappear with their funds. An extensive search for reviews on leading consumer feedback platforms yielded no results, suggesting a lack of transparency. In addition, the […]


Cryptspacepro.com has been found to be orchestrating an investment con. Promising high returns on investments, the moment you put your money in, it disappears into the fraudsters’ pockets. Upon exploring the website, we discovered numerous incomplete pages, which are still filled with default content and placeholder subtleties. Interestingly, the site doesn’t have any followers across […]

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