4 days ago


Fake stores

Tools-industrial-parts.com is a scam site. They sell fake products that might be dangerous because they use poor-quality materials. The company isn’t on social media. This website is only 29 days old. You won’t find a customer service phone number on the site.

A fake store scam involves a website that pretends to sell products but actually delivers counterfeit or no goods at all, often using poor-quality materials.

Red Flags

Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves creating a counterfeit online store to deceive customers. Scammers design these websites to look legitimate, complete with professional layouts and enticing product images. They often promise high-quality items at unbelievably low prices. These deals attract unsuspecting shoppers. Scammers use fake reviews and testimonials to build trust. They may also offer limited-time discounts to pressure buyers into making quick decisions. Payment methods, such as wire transfers or untraceable cryptocurrencies, are commonly preferred. After payment, the customer either receives counterfeit goods or nothing at all. The fake store then disappears, leaving victims with lost money and no recourse. This scam exploits the increasing reliance on online shopping and the desire for bargains.


Investors have raised complaints against the-globallif.live, accusing it of operating an investment sham. The website entices users with the promise of significant returns on their investments, but once the money is invested, the swindlers abscond with it. The domain name of the site is recently registered, being only 77 days old at the time these […]


Gclglobalfx.com operates a forex scam. The website, merely 20 days old at discovery, lacks a customer service phone number. Reviews found on the site fail to reflect reality, demonstrating false representation. Misleading information plagues the site, including a non-existent business at the provided address. The alleged operating business name lacks registration in the purported company […]


Our investigations reveal that Ultraprvx.com is functioning as a fraudulent investment scheme. It promises significant returns, yet the culprits are reported to disappear with the deposits made by unsuspecting investors. It’s worrying to note that there’s no evidence of any reviews of the site beyond their own pages. Alarmingly, the company lacks a presence on […]


On February 24, 2023, Dooick.com was reported in the online scam category. The website is newly registered, with a registration date of February 7, 2023. As of the complaint date, the website was only 17 days old. Additionally, the website’s ownership is hidden using a third-party privacy service, and the address provided on the website […]


2005polarisatvsportsman.com has been reported as a fake website as of February 17, 2023. It’s a new domain name that was only registered on February 16, 2023 and was only online for 3 days at the time of the initial complaint. What’s concerning is that the website’s ownership is hidden behind a third-party privacy service, and […]

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