8 months ago


Crypto scams

Consumers have raised concerns about Successtrademill.com, accusing it of orchestrating a crypto exchange scam. The suspicions arose when the website was merely 81 days old. The site offers a bogus business address and tempts potential investors with the allure of substantial returns on their initial investment. However, the reality is that the fraudsters pocket the deposited funds and disappear. The business name does not appear in the registry of the state it purports to operate from. Furthermore, there is a conspicuous absence of company reviews.

A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website or platform, posing as a legitimate cryptocurrency exchange, lures unsuspecting investors with promises of high returns. The scammers then abscond with the deposited funds, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent scheme that tricks individuals into giving away their cryptocurrency. These scams often present themselves as legitimate crypto exchanges. They promise high returns or other benefits to lure in unsuspecting victims. Once a person deposits their cryptocurrency into the fake exchange, the scammers can then steal it. They might also ask for personal information, which they can use for identity theft. It's important to research any crypto exchange thoroughly before using it. Look for reviews and check if it's registered with relevant authorities. If it seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of any exchange that promises guaranteed returns or asks for unnecessary personal information. Remember, in the world of cryptocurrency, you're often your own bank. This means you need to take extra precautions to protect your assets. Stay safe out there.


Coinplustrade.com, a website that’s barely three months old, has been flagged by users for conducting a cryptocurrency scam. The site promises substantial profits, but it seems the operators disappear once they receive deposits. Interestingly, the company isn’t legally registered in the state it purports to operate from. The physical address provided on the website for […]


Customers have raised complaints about Shopaedes.shop, accusing it of operating a fraudulent online store. The website is relatively new, having been registered just 99 days ago at the time of this report. It fails to provide a customer service phone number, which raises suspicions. The items displayed on the website are not genuine and could […]


The website Flexiconpty.com is involved in an unscrupulous investment scheme. This site promises huge returns on investment, but once the funds are deposited, the fraudsters take the money and vanish. The images exhibited on the site fail to accurately depict the product they are selling. Interestingly, the website does not provide a customer service contact […]


Reports indicate that Financialassetinvest.com is a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure potential investors with the promise of substantial returns on their investment. Sadly, once you invest, these scammers vanish with your money. Despite a thorough search, no reviews for this company were found on any of the major consumer review websites. Moreover, this company has […]


Coiprostrades.com, a website that promises remarkable returns on your initial investment, is actually a fraudulent scheme. They lure you in with the promise of significant profit, but once you hand over your money, the fraudsters disappear. The website was only 98 days old when the scam was discovered. The information provided on the site is […]

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