12 months ago


Investment scams

Reports indicate Splitmin.com as a fraudulent investment platform. They promise significant growth of your investment. However, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The website lacks a social media following. Numerous pages on the site are underdeveloped, filled with unedited content and placeholder notes. The graphics displayed on the site do not accurately represent the product being sold. Furthermore, the company lacks registration in the state it claims to operate from.

An investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters trick individuals into parting with their money under the guise of promising high returns. These scams often involve making it appear as though the investment is legitimate, but in reality, the money is simply stolen by the scammers.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
New website
Phone disconnected
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are tricked into investing their money with promises of high returns and little to no risk. The scammer typically uses manipulative tactics to convince the investors that the opportunity is legitimate. However, the money isn't invested as promised, but instead, it's often used to pay off earlier investors or taken by the scammer. Always conduct thorough research before investing.


Bigbathroomstore.com is allegedly implicated in a counterfeit store scam. This site has seemingly lost its distinctiveness due to striking resemblances to other similar sites’ content. The authenticity of the items offered for purchase on this site is questionable, with the potential risk stemming from inferior quality materials used in their production. It appears that the […]


A seemingly fraudulent operation is being run by a website called Shopmorethanjustcaps.shop. This website was identified as a scam barely a month after its launch. It’s quite noticeable that there’s no customer service phone number provided on the site. The content on the website appears to be copied verbatim from other sites, eliminating any sense […]


Customers have raised complaints about Apparel-autumn.com, accusing it of being a fraudulent online store. The website is relatively new, having been registered just 92 days prior to this report. A glaring omission on the site is the lack of a customer service phone number. The business address provided on the website is also false. The […]


Shopmegabai.shop is a website that has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The products displayed on this site are deceptive and could be potentially dangerous due to the low-quality materials used in their production. The content of the website lacks creativity and seems to copy material from similar sites. The website is relatively new, […]


Numerous consumers have flagged Hikingvalid.com, accusing it of operating a counterfeit store scam. This fraudulent activity was spotted when the website was in operation for a mere 92 days. The visuals showcased on the site fail to accurately depict the products being sold. The site seems to employ mimicking strategies, sourcing its material from similar […]

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