2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Spartcrypto.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The website, just 10 days old, lists a fake company address and lacks a customer service phone number. They lure investors with promises of high returns, only to disappear with the funds.

Investment scams lure individuals with promises of high returns, only to steal their money once invested.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
An investment scam involves fraudsters promising high returns with little or no risk. They often lure victims by claiming access to exclusive opportunities. Scammers may use persuasive language and fabricated success stories to build trust. They frequently pressure individuals to invest quickly, creating a sense of urgency. These schemes often involve complex jargon to appear legitimate. Scammers might also provide false documentation or fake testimonials. They typically avoid providing detailed information about the investment. Instead, they focus on the potential profits. Victims are often encouraged to recruit others, creating a pyramid effect. The scam collapses when new investments stop coming in. Many people lose their entire investment.


We’ve found that Digital-haven.com is running an investment scam. The site was just 11 days old when we discovered it. The address they give for the company is fake. There’s no customer service phone number. They promise high returns on your investments, but once you put in your money, the scammers disappear. There are no […]


It appears that Hikingexquisite.com is a fraudulent online store. The merchandise sold through this site is imitation, which could be hazardous due to the inferior materials used in their production. The operation seems to be rooted in China. The scam was uncovered when the site was barely three months old. Images on the site do […]


Our team has identified Extradecryptoforex.one as an entity perpetrating an investment scam. They create an illusion of potential high returns, but once the investment is made, the culprits vanish with the money. Several pages on the website are still a work in progress, replete with default text and filler content. The partnerships that the firm […]


Consumers have raised red flags about Aceflows.online, accusing it of operating a fraudulent online store. The dubious activities were discovered just 56 days after the website’s launch. Oddly, the site lacks any contact number for customer service, raising suspicion. It also seems to mimic other similar websites, as much of its content appears to be […]


A new website called Globalfinancialtrades.com is running an investment scam. They promise huge returns if you invest, but once you do, they disappear with your money. There’s no customer service phone number on the site. When discovered, the website was just 9 days old. None of the major review platforms have any reviews for it. […]

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