2 weeks ago


Fake stores

We have identified Sourcelondons.shop as a fraudulent online store. The website features misleading reviews from imaginary customers and uses stock images for its products. Registered only 121 days ago, it offers counterfeit items that may pose risks due to poor-quality materials. Evidence suggests the site is operated from China, and there is no customer service contact number available.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website that sells counterfeit or non-existent products, often using deceptive reviews and stock images to lure customers.

Red Flags

Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
A fake store scam involves creating a counterfeit online store that appears legitimate. Scammers design these sites to mimic real businesses. They often use stolen images and logos to create a sense of trust. The products listed are usually offered at significantly low prices. This attracts potential buyers looking for bargains. Scammers promise quick delivery and high-quality items. They may fabricate positive reviews to further deceive customers. The checkout process often collects personal and financial information. Once a purchase is made, the buyer either receives counterfeit goods or nothing at all. These fake stores use tactics like limited-time offers to pressure buyers into quick decisions. They also employ professional-looking websites to appear credible. Scammers aim to exploit the trust and urgency of unsuspecting shoppers.


Vtfxmarket.com runs an investment scam. The site is just 102 days old. It isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate from. The content lacks authenticity and seems copied from other sites. No reviews exist on major consumer platforms. The company has no presence on social media. An investment scam tricks people into giving […]


Golden-bridgesltd.org has been identified as conducting fraudulent investment activities. They promise substantial returns on your investment, however, once you transfer the funds, these actors vanish. Unfortunately, there is no customer support phone number available on the website. Further, the illustrations they present don’t truly represent the product they’re supposedly selling. It’s worth noting that the […]


Shenfieldinvestments.com has been identified as an investment scam. The website, which is 121 days old, lacks a customer service phone number. Despite claiming to operate in a specific state, the company isn’t registered there. It also lacks a significant presence on social media. Furthermore, major consumer review platforms don’t have any reviews for the company. […]


Churchgateshop.com runs a fake store scam. The products shown on this site are fake and can be dangerous because of the cheap materials used. Evidence shows the website operates from China. The site was recently registered and is only 104 days old. Its content looks like it’s copied from other similar sites. The reviews are […]


Customers have reported Schlegelcheap.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, recently established, is only 143 days old as per the report. It lacks a customer service phone number, making it difficult for buyers to reach out for assistance. Furthermore, the images displayed on the site don’t accurately represent the products they’re selling. Interestingly, […]

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