9 months ago


Fake stores

Solene-store.com, despite its seemingly legitimate facade, is unfortunately identified as a fraudulent online store. Its existence was only brought to light 68 days ago, raising suspicions due to its short lifespan. The lack of a listed customer service phone number further fuels these doubts. Additionally, the authenticity of the content on the website is questionable, it does not reflect the typical layout of other similar pages. Graphic representations of the products for sale do not seem to accurately depict the actual items, leading to further skepticism. Unfinished pages peppered throughout the site, filled with default text and placeholders, are a clear indication of its incomplete state. The store’s social media presence is virtually non-existent, as it boasts zero followers.

In essence, a fake store scam can be described as a fraudulent online platform designed to trick customers into purchasing non-existent products. These scams often involve the use of a seemingly legitimate website that, upon closer inspection, reveals red flags such as a lack of contact information, questionable content, and a non-existent social media presence.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
Fake store scams are a type of online fraud. People set up fake online stores that look like legitimate ones. They offer products at very low prices to attract buyers. Once you place an order and make payment, you'll either receive a counterfeit product or nothing at all. These scams are tricky to spot. The websites can look professional with high-quality images and well-written product descriptions. They may even have fake customer reviews. So, it's important to be cautious when shopping online. Always research the store before making a purchase. Check for contact details and look for online reviews or complaints. If the prices are too good to be true, they probably are. And remember, if you have any doubts about a website, it's better to be safe than sorry.


There’s a red flag waving over Wealthholdingsltd.com. It’s been flagged as an investment scam, promising high profits to lure you in. But don’t be fooled – once you’ve invested, your money is gone. The website is relatively new, the domain name just 55 days old at the time of this report. Oddly, there’s no customer […]


Epeticglobal.com has been identified as an investment scam. They lure individuals with promises of high profits upon investing, but it’s all a facade. Scammers behind this website deceitfully vanish after taking the deposited money. The company is nowhere to be found on social media platforms. The website consists of incomplete pages with generic content and […]


Bronte-capital.info has been accused of being a fraudulent investment scheme. The website promises high returns, however, it’s alleged that the fraudsters disappear once they have received deposits. A large number of pages on the site are still under development, filled with generic content and placeholder text. The partnerships advertised on the company’s website are believed […]


Digitalinvestment.ltd is a reported investment scam. They promise high profits, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. The website has many unfinished pages filled with generic text and placeholder words. The partnerships they claim are fake. The photos on the site do not accurately represent their products. The website is new, only […]


Consumers have reported Iforexoption24.com for engaging in a forex scam. The website is relatively new, only being 40 days old when it was discovered. Unfortunately, there is no phone number provided for customer service on the site. The scammers behind this operation make enticing promises of rapid financial growth, but once you invest your money, […]

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