Experts found to be operating a counterfeit store scam. Only 29 days after its creation, the scam was exposed. Sadly, there’s no customer service number listed on the site. As you browse through the site, you can’t help but notice its lack of uniqueness. It seems like it’s copying content from other similar sites word for word. The items on display in this online store are bogus and can pose a safety risk due to the poor quality materials used to produce them. Pictures on the site do not show the true nature of the products on sale. The site is also filled with web pages that are still being constructed, replete with default content and placeholder text.
A fake store scam is when a website poses as a legitimate online shop but in reality, it’s designed to deceive buyers. The items they sell are either counterfeit or non-existent, and they often copy content from legitimate websites to appear authentic. They don’t have real customer service, and the pictures of products are usually misleading.