Customers have raised the alarm about, accusing the website of perpetrating a counterfeit store fraud. At the point of this revelation, the website had been in existence for 31 days. Interestingly, there was no customer service phone number listed on the site. It is also observed that the website seems to be in the habit of mimicking other similar sites as its content appeared to be a replica of such sites. The images displayed on the website fail to give an accurate depiction of the products being sold. A closer look at the website reveals numerous incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text. In terms of social media presence, the company is practically non-existent. Also, a quick check on major consumer review platforms showed that there were no reviews for the company.
A fake store scam is a fraudulent online shop that presents itself as a legitimate business. These shops lure in customers with low prices but deliver substandard goods or nothing at all. They typically have no customer service and don’t respond to complaints or refund requests.