8 months ago


Fake stores

Shopdrmower.shop, a relatively new website at just 99 days old, is perpetuating a fraudulent store scam. This was discovered when it was noticed that the website’s content was not original, but rather copied from other pages, undermining its authenticity. The products displayed on the site are dubious and could potentially pose a risk due to the poor quality of materials used in their production. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number. Furthermore, the website utilizes generic stock images for the products it advertises. The company’s social media accounts also raise suspicion, as they have no followers.

A fake store scam is when a website pretends to be a legitimate online store, but in reality, it’s a scheme to trick people into buying non-existent products. These scams often use copied content and stock images, have no customer service contact, and their social media accounts have no followers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No social media
Fake store scams exploit the trust of online shopping enthusiasts. Scammers set up fake websites, online stores or social media pages that mirror reputable retailers. They make the site look convincing with professional images and descriptions, and tempting prices. These scammers often promise high-end products at incredibly low prices. Be it electronics, fashion items, or even pet supplies, the variety is huge. Their main intent is getting hold of your personal and financial information. They succeed by luring you with too good to be true deals. By the time you realize the store is a scam, the scammers have your credit card details, and they disappear without a trace. Sometimes, they even send counterfeit or low-quality products which are not worth the amount paid. This way, they ensure the scam continues for a longer period. It's a sophisticated fraud that's hard to pinpoint until it's too late.


Exadobit.com carries the label of an investment scam. The site promises massive returns on investments, yet when you transfer your funds, they vanish into thin air—stolen by the scammers. Stock images serve as substitutes for actual product images on the website. The content on this site lacks uniqueness, appearing to be copied from similar online […]


Customers have raised concerns about G7-brics.ltd, suspecting it to be an investment scam. They lure you in with promises of substantial returns on your investment. However, once you’ve parted with your money, they disappear into thin air. The website is relatively new, having been registered just 90 days prior to this report. There’s no customer […]


Cryptokingsltd.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment operation. The company lacks any reviews on reputable consumer review sites. Remarkably, no one follows the website on social media platforms. Various sections of the website remain under construction, populated with filler content and placeholder text. It also falsely advertises online partnerships. The illustrations on the website […]


Fundriseinvestments.com claims to offer lucrative crypto exchange opportunities. However, it’s all a trap. The site was merely 29 days old when the scam became apparent. They promise substantial profits from your investments, yet once you’ve handed over your money, the culprits vanish. You won’t find a customer support phone number on the website. The supposed […]


Rugsofbeautys.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The variety of products it displays may seem tempting, but they are potentially hazardous due to the substandard raw materials used in their creation. The content on this website is not original, it’s a replica of another similar site. The images displayed on this site are […]

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