8 months ago


Fake stores

Shopclubfurniture.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on this site are not genuine, and the content has been plagiarized, mimicking other similar websites. The products sold on this site are counterfeit and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. Furthermore, the company’s reviews are conspicuously absent. The company’s social media accounts also lack followers.

A fake store scam involves an online store that pretends to sell legitimate products. However, these stores often use counterfeit images and plagiarized content from other websites. The products they sell are usually knock-offs and can be harmful due to the poor quality of materials used. These stores often lack customer reviews and have no social media following.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images

Missing Information

No contact page
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters create a counterfeit online store. The store looks like a legitimate business, offering popular products at attractive prices. The goal is to trick consumers into making purchases. Once a customer places an order, they never receive the product. The scammer has already taken their money and personal information. In some cases, this information can be used for further fraudulent activities. It's important to be cautious when shopping online. Always research the store and check for reviews before making a purchase. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of stores that only accept payment through unconventional methods, like wire transfers or gift cards. Remember, staying informed and vigilant is the best way to avoid falling victim to these scams.


Limelight-capital.net has been identified as an investment scam. The website promises substantial returns on investments, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. This fraudulent activity was discovered when the site was just 104 days old. The content lacks originality, copying material from similar sites. Additionally, there are no reviews on major review […]


The website Tradifyfxtrade.com is perpetrating an investment fraud. It promises substantial returns on your investment, however, after you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your funds. We could not locate any reviews on major review platforms. The company lacks a solid presence on various social media platforms. Numerous pages on the website are underdeveloped, filled with […]


Our investigation has revealed that Mydirndlshop.shop is functioning under a false pretense. In its early days, barely a month old, we identified fraudulent activities. A glaring red flag was the absence of a customer service phone number on their website. Further analysis showed that the content on their site closely resembles other similar websites, hinting […]


Fiscalfoxdef.com has been flagged as an investment fraud. The discovery occurred when the website was just shy of 100 days old. There’s no customer service number listed on the site, which is a red flag. They lure you in with promises of high returns, only to disappear with your money once you invest. The website […]


People have complained about Bluecoinedge.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises huge returns on investments, but once your money is put in, it disappears into the hands of the scammers. It’s easy to spot the unfinished pages on the site filled with generic content and placeholder text. It’s concerning that […]

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