2 years ago


Fake stores

On February 18th, 2023, Seeflorall.com was classified as a possible fake online store. The domain name was registered on November 3, 2022, and will expire in 2024, having only been registered for a year. The website’s ownership is obscured by a third-party privacy service, and it is hosted overseas. The provided business address is fake, and the actual location is unknown, though the company claims to be based in Germany. The website lacks a customer support phone number, and complaints began shortly after the site’s launch, only 102 days ago. To find out what happens after you order from a fake online store, read this post.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake address
Fake images
Fake reviews
Foreign company
New website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No social media
Fake online shops are fraudulent websites that offer unrealistically low prices and discounts on products with the intention of stealing money from unsuspecting customers. These websites are designed to look like legitimate online stores, but in reality, they are run by scammers who have no intention of delivering the promised products.


Eronjohnsonantiquess.shop is a scam. The website looks fake, copying content from other sites. The items for sale aren’t real and could be dangerous because they use bad materials. When we checked, the site was only 10 days old. Many pages were incomplete, showing default text and placeholders. You won’t find this company on any social […]


Consumers have flagged B-stock.online for conducting an investment fraud. The fraud surfaced when the website was merely 143 days into operation. The site doesn’t provide a customer service phone number. The business address listed on the website turned out to be a sham. The company is absent from social media and prominent consumer review platforms. […]


Hydex.app is running an investment scam. They promise lucrative returns on your investment, but instead, the scammers take your money and disappear. Major review platforms have no reviews for this platform. The photos displayed on the website do not accurately represent the actual products. The website’s content lacks originality and seems to copy content from […]


Xpertrades.com, a relatively new website, is under suspicion for running a cryptocurrency exchange scam. The website, which is just 80 days old, promises high returns on investments. However, once the investment is made, the supposed operators of the site disappear, taking the money with them. There is a lack of reviews for the website outside […]


Many customers have flagged Alfresco-promo.com for running a counterfeit shop scheme. It’s evident that the content on this site mirrors similar websites, implying a lack of originality. The products sold by this online store are imitation goods, potentially harmful due to the inferior materials used in their production. The images displayed on this site don’t […]

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