2 weeks ago


Fake stores

Scarlettross.shop has been flagged as a fraudulent store. The site uses stock images for its products and features fake reviews from non-existent customers. It operates under an unregistered business name and is managed from China. The inventory consists of copied goods, potentially hazardous due to poor-quality materials. The scam was uncovered when the website was just 131 days old.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website that sells counterfeit or non-existent products, often using fake reviews and unregistered business names to deceive customers.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered
A fake store scam involves setting up a fraudulent online shop that appears legitimate. Scammers create professional-looking websites with attractive product images and detailed descriptions. They often promise significant discounts or exclusive deals to lure customers. These offers seem too good to pass up. Scammers use tactics such as limited-time offers to create urgency. They might claim that stock is running low to pressure people into making quick decisions. The checkout process looks secure, and they accept various payment methods, adding to the illusion of authenticity. Once a purchase is made, customers either receive counterfeit products or nothing at all. Communication from the fake store ceases, leaving victims without recourse. This type of scam preys on the desire for bargains and trust in online shopping platforms.


Kimlyshop.com, an online marketplace, has been identified as a fraudulent operation. The website, just 42 days old when the scam was identified, lacks key elements like a customer service phone number. The products on sale are knockoffs, and could potentially be hazardous because of the substandard materials employed in their making. The content of the […]


People have flagged Dailylifeprofit.com for operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise you lofty profits from your investment, but once you invest, the fraudsters take the money and disappear. The company is notably absent from well-known consumer review platforms and remains invisible on social media. On their website, a multitude of incomplete pages, filled with […]


Sourcesempowermentltd.online is a fraudulent investment site. It promises high returns to attract investors, then the scammers take the money and disappear. The company has no reviews on major consumer platforms and no social media presence. The address on the website is fake, and there’s no customer service phone number available. Beware of investment scams that […]


Prospera-finance.com has a reputation as an investment scam. Investors are enticed by the promise of significant returns on their initial outlay. Yet, scammers pocket the deposited money and disappear without a trace. The company’s presence on social media is almost invisible. The website’s unfinished pages are filled with standardized copy and filler text. The partnerships […]


People have reported Benjaminlauren.com for operating a counterfeit online store. At the time of the report, the website had been live for 51 days. There was no customer service number provided on the site. The site seems to imitate other similar websites, using content taken from them. The products sold on this online store are […]

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