2 weeks ago


Investment scams

We’ve found that Saxful.com is running an investment scam. The site is very new, only 103 days old when we checked. The business name they use isn’t registered in the state they say they’re in. The website’s content looks copied from other similar sites, which is a red flag. Plus, the company has no social media profiles.

Investment scams trick people into giving money with false promises of high returns. Always research before investing.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive scheme where fraudsters promise high returns with little or no risk. Scammers often lure victims with guarantees of quick profits and exclusive opportunities. They may present fake testimonials and fabricated success stories to build credibility. Fraudsters use persuasive language and high-pressure tactics to rush decisions. They may claim insider knowledge or special access to lucrative deals. Often, they create a sense of urgency, insisting that the opportunity is limited-time only. Scammers also employ complex jargon to confuse and impress potential investors. They might use official-looking documents and websites to appear legitimate. Victims are typically asked to invest large sums of money upfront, only to find out later that the promises were false.


Colourpops.shop, a recently established online store, is currently under scrutiny for being a potential fraudulent operation. Registered merely 25 days ago at the time of this report, the website has raised several red flags. One of the primary concerns is the lack of a customer service phone number, leaving potential customers with no direct line […]


Bnb-invests.com is running an investment scam. The site was just 9 days old when we found it. They lure you in with promises of big returns, but once you invest, they disappear with your cash. The company isn’t on any major review sites. Their social media is almost non-existent. There’s no phone number for customer […]


Consumers have flagged Earnbetainvestments.com as a dubious crypto exchange operation. The website, merely 20 days old at discovery, purportedly runs under a business name that lacks registration in the stated company location. The provided information on the site misleads, with a non-existent business at the specified address. A missing customer service phone number on the […]


Tradelitefx.com, a website claiming to offer profitable investment opportunities, has been exposed as a fraudulent operation. The site promises high returns on investments, but in reality, the operators abscond with the invested funds. Many sections of the website are still under construction, filled with generic text and placeholder content. The physical address listed on the […]


The website Digitalresourcegain.com has come under scrutiny for fraudulent investment practices. Promising substantial returns on your investment, the operators of the site abscond with your money once you’ve made a deposit. This website lacks a traceable social media presence, raising further questions about its legitimacy. A quick tour around their website reveals several pages still […]

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