Customers have raised concerns about, alleging that the site is involved in a counterfeit store scam. It’s noticeable that the website employs generic images for the products it offers for sale. A significant number of unfinished pages filled with standard content and filler text can be found on the site. Moreover, the business lacks a presence on social media platforms. Apart from those found on their own site, reviews about the website are scarce. Interestingly, the site does not provide a customer service contact number. When discovered, the site had been active for only 56 days. It’s clear that the content of the site is not original, as it seems to be a carbon copy of similar sites. The articles promoted on the site are misleading and could potentially be dangerous due to the utilization of substandard materials in their manufacture.
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate online shop. These sites often use generic product images and lack customer reviews or social media presence. They may also have numerous unfinished pages and no customer service contact information. The products they sell are often of low quality and could potentially be hazardous.