12 months ago


Crypto scams

Consumers have raised concerns about Rockinvestment.one, accusing it of operating a deceptive crypto exchange scam. Investors are lured with alluring promises of massive returns. However, after the investment is made, the fraudsters disappear, leaving the investors high and dry. The website’s registration is rather recent, just 29 days old at the time of reporting. A noticeable absence is a customer service phone number on the website. It also showcases reviews, which, upon investigation, are found to be fabricated and not from legitimate customers. The business address it provides is non-existent. Multiple pages on the website are under construction, filled with pre-determined content and filler text. The website is owned by an overseas company, and there is no official business name displayed on the site. Additionally, the company has no social media presence.

A crypto exchange scam involves a platform or company that lures investors with promises of high returns in cryptocurrency investment. After the investment is made, the operators of the scam disappear with the invested funds, leaving the investors without any way to recover their money.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake reviews
Foreign company
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent crypto trading platforms that attract investors with promises of high returns. Scammers can manipulate prices, or disappear with users' funds. They often employ tactics like flashy advertising, aggressive salespeople, and pressure to invest quickly. It's crucial to research any platform thoroughly before investing.


Consumers have flagged Newstylehume.com for operating a fraudulent online store. The website, which is relatively new, was registered just 93 days ago at the time of this report. It features images that are not authentic. Despite its presence online, the company has no reviews on major customer review platforms. The absence of a customer service […]


Consumers have flagged Coinsfxtrader.com as a dubious investment scheme. The site promises high returns on investments, but after depositing money, investors find themselves duped as the fraudsters disappear. The site doesn’t have any social media footprint. The site contains a plethora of unfinished pages, littered with default content and placeholder text. It claims partnerships that […]


Bluepeakcapital.pro, a relatively new website at only 141 days old, has been flagged by consumers for perpetrating a forex scam. The site lacks a visible customer service number, which is a red flag. Despite their claims, the company’s online partnerships are fictitious. Another alarming sign is their absence on social media. Furthermore, no reviews for […]


Redrockinvestment.net operates a crypto exchange scam. This website, freshly registered, carries a mere 23-day-old domain at the time of report. Despite promises of high profit, the scammers vanish with investors’ money once investment is made. It lacks a customer support contact number. False reviews from imaginary individuals are promoted. It showcases a fabricated business address. […]


Kentglobaltrade.com is involved in a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise substantial returns on your investment, but once the money is transferred, the scam artists vanish with your hard-earned cash. The business address shown on their website doesn’t align with reality. Unfinished web pages with generic content and filler text litter the site. The company’s alleged […]

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