1 year ago



Remediofarma.pro has been flagged as a fraudulent site. The website, which is only 50 days old at the time of this revelation, lacks a contact number for customer service. A deep dive into the website’s data reveals copied content from other similar sites, implying a lack of creativity. Graphics displayed on the site fail to accurately represent the products they’re selling. Several pages on the website are still in the works, filled with placeholder text and content. Furthermore, the business lacks any social media presence.

A scam is generally a dishonest scheme designed to cheat and con you out of your money. It involves fraudulent practices and false promises to deceive people into believing they are getting a good deal or winning a prize. They often look legitimate and may even appear professional to lure unsuspecting victims.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A scam is a dishonest scheme. It's designed to cheat people out of their money or personal information. Scams can occur in many forms. They can be online, over the phone, or in person. Online scams are common. They may involve fake emails or websites. These scams trick people into providing personal information. This can lead to identity theft. Phone scams often involve callers pretending to be from trusted organizations. They try to convince people to give them money or personal details. In-person scams can involve someone offering a deal that's too good to be true. They might be selling a product that doesn't exist or isn't as described. Always be cautious and do your research to avoid falling victim to a scam.


Demarcapital.com is a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. The online platform, which has only been running for 59 days at the time of these reports, promises significant financial returns. However, unsuspecting users have reported that their deposits mysteriously disappear. Interestingly, there’s no contact number for customer service provided on the website. Moreover, the firm’s operational name is […]


Future-tradex.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The scheme is simple: they make grand promises of substantial profits to lure you into investing. Once you’ve entrusted them with your money, however, the fraudsters disappear without a trace. Despite the professional appearance of the site, there’s a lack of social media engagement, lacking any followers […]


A new site, Liquidity-tradelite.com, runs an investment scam. They promise big profits, but once you invest, they disappear with your cash. The address they give for the company doesn’t exist. Customer service numbers on the site don’t work. People from abroad own and run the site. When this report was made, the site had been […]


Homeonlinefurniture.com has been caught red-handed operating a deceitful store scam. Interestingly the website has been active for just 59 days when it was flagged. One noticeable aspect of the site is the lack of originality in its content, which appears to be copied from other similar websites. The site lacks a customer service phone number, […]


Beadsforyourjewelry.shop is currently under suspicion of being a fraudulent online store. At the time of our investigation, the website’s age was not disclosed. One of the red flags is the absence of a customer service phone number. The products showcased on this digital platform are questionable and could potentially pose safety risks due to the […]

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