2 months ago


Investment scams

Raptorshares.com is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. As of the report, the website had been active for 139 days. A customer service phone number is conspicuously absent from the website. The provided business address is misleading as no such business exists there. The business lacks a presence on social media platforms. Reviews for the website are scarce and limited to their own pages. The website promises hefty returns on investments, but the reality is far from it. Once you invest your money, the fraudsters disappear with it.

An investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to invest their money with the promise of high returns. However, instead of investing the money as promised, the scammers abscond with the funds.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. It aims to trick people into parting with their money, promising high returns. Scammers often use persuasive language and play on the victim's desire for quick wealth. Commonly, these scams promise guaranteed returns. They often claim to have insider information or use complex financial jargon to appear legitimate. Scammers may also rush victims into making an investment, stating that the opportunity is limited. To make the scam appear real, initial investors may receive returns. This is usually money from new victims. The scam collapses when there aren't enough new victims to pay the promised returns.


Denisecheap.com, a website that’s been active for just 121 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The site lacks a customer service phone number, raising suspicions about its legitimacy. It offers counterfeit items, which could be potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The images featured on the site […]


Thefiptrades.com is a website that has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. It promises high returns on investments, but once you deposit your money, it disappears into the hands of the fraudsters. As of the time this information was gathered, the website had been active for 98 days. The location listed as the business […]


Reicoopsaleus.com runs a fake store scam. The site seems to be managed from China and is only 104 days old. They sell counterfeit items that could be risky due to poor quality materials. The website uses fake reviews from made-up people. No customer service phone number is available. The business address listed on the site […]


Assetfundholdings.net is a website that has been found to be operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises substantial returns on your investments, however, once you invest, the fraudsters abscond with your funds. The site is filled with incomplete pages that contain pre-set content and placeholder text, indicating a lack of authenticity. The company falsely […]


Vaultrecoveries.net, a newly established website, is implicated in a cryptocurrency scam. Only 81 days old at the time of reporting, the site lacks a customer support phone number, which raises suspicion. Misleading information is a common characteristic of the site, including a non-existent business address. Furthermore, it purports to operate under a business name that […]

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