12 months ago


Fake stores

Ranyjah.com has been flagged as a counterfeit online store. The website’s content lacks originality, seemingly copying verbatim from similar sites. The products offered on this digital marketplace are not unique and may pose risks due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. Unfinished pages on the site are filled with generic content and placeholder text. Absence of any social media links is another red flag. Reviews of the site are conspicuously absent, except for those on their own pages. The images used do not accurately represent the products for sale. The website’s registration is recent, with the domain name being just 68 days old at the time of this revelation. There’s no customer service phone contact listed on the site.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent online marketplace that mimics a legitimate store. These fake stores often sell counterfeit or low-quality goods, don’t deliver the products as promised, and could potentially steal sensitive personal information.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a deceptive practice where fraudsters create a fake online store. This store looks legitimate, offering popular items at incredibly low prices. The goal is to trick shoppers into purchasing these items. Once a shopper makes a purchase, the scammer takes the money but never delivers the goods. In some cases, they may even use the shopper's credit card information for further fraudulent activities. It's essential to be cautious when shopping online. Always check for secure payment options and read reviews before making a purchase. If a deal looks too good to be true, it probably is. Remember, your personal and financial safety should always be your top priority when shopping online. It's better to be safe than sorry.


Shopstrapcode.shop, a young website just 29 days old, is engaging in fraudulent activities characteristic of a fake store scam. Customers cannot find a phone number to reach customer service, causing an alarming lack of communication. Other red flags include the content of the website, which appears to be copied from similar sites. The images displayed […]


Olympgains.com is engaged in fraudulent investment activities. The website promises large profits, but according to reports, the fraudsters disappear with the investors’ funds. There are no reviews available for the company on well-known consumer review platforms. The company does not maintain a social media presence. There is no customer service phone number available on the […]


Customers have raised complaints against Smirncurved.com, accusing it of operating an investment fraud. The site promises high returns on investments. However, after investing, the fraudsters abscond with your money. There is a noticeable lack of reviews about the company on widely recognized consumer review websites. The site lacks a social media following. The contact numbers […]


Chicgolfwear.com, a website we’ve been monitoring, appears to be a fraudulent online store. The site, which is only 44 days old at the time of our investigation, features counterfeit reviews from non-existent customers. The products advertised on the site are not only false but could also pose a risk due to the low-quality materials used […]


We’ve come across a website, Globiscoinx.com, and it gives off strong indications of being an illegitimate investment scheme. They promise you hefty returns for your investment, but once you’ve transferred your money to them, they vanish without a trace. You’ll find a number of web pages on their site still under development, packed with standard […]

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