3 months ago


Fake stores

Protectivedevi.com, a website just over four months old, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. It lacks a customer service phone number, a red flag for potential customers. The images displayed on the site don’t accurately depict the products being sold. Furthermore, the website doesn’t have any social media presence, which is unusual for legitimate businesses in the digital age. Strikingly, there are no reviews for this company on any of the well-known consumer review websites.

A fake store scam is when a website poses as a legitimate online store, but in reality, it’s designed to deceive customers into giving away their personal and financial information or to take their money without delivering the promised goods.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves a fraudster creating an online store that appears legitimate. They display products at attractive prices to lure in unsuspecting customers. The scammer often promises high-quality goods or branded items at a fraction of the usual cost. They use professional images and detailed descriptions to make their store seem real. Once a customer makes a purchase, the scammer either sends a cheap knock-off product or nothing at all. In most cases, the fake store disappears soon after, leaving the customer with no recourse for a refund. These scammers typically use sophisticated tactics to appear trustworthy. They might display fake customer reviews or use secure payment methods to gain victims' confidence.


Shoppalenmusic.shop, a newly launched website, is currently under scrutiny for its fraudulent activities. The domain name is a mere month old at the time of this investigation. Unusually, the website doesn’t offer a contact number for customer service. Its content comes across as suspiciously unoriginal, hinting at a possible replication of material from similar online […]


Consumers have flagged Bedshoppe.shop for operating a deceptive online store. The merchandise on offer is counterfeit, and the inferior materials used to produce them could potentially be harmful. The authenticity of the content on the website is questionable, as it doesn’t seem to correspond with similar pages. The images used don’t accurately represent the products […]


A new site called Cryptomarketmajesty.live is running an investment scam. They promise high returns on your money, but once you invest, they disappear with your cash. The customer service numbers don’t work, and the address listed is fake. When discovered, the site was just 10 days old. The company’s social media accounts have no followers. […]


People have flagged Capitecinvestment.com as a fraudulent investment platform. It promises substantial returns on initial investments. However, as soon as the money gets deposited, the fraudsters disappear with it. Numerous incomplete pages, filled with default information and filler texts, are scattered across the website. The online collaborations that the company boasts about are non-existent. Images […]


Select4wdst.shop is a scam site. The website is only 133 days old. The images on the site are fake. Evidence shows it’s run from China. The customer service numbers don’t work. The business address listed is wrong. A fake store scam tricks people into buying products that don’t exist. The scammer takes the money and […]

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