Customers have expressed concerns about, alleging that it’s a deceptive online store. The products on offer are said to be knockoffs, made from substandard materials that could potentially be harmful. Observers have noted that the content of the website appears to be replicated, with images that don’t accurately represent the products for sale. Unfinished pages litter the site, filled with filler text and generic placeholders. It’s also noticeable that the company doesn’t have a strong social media presence, or any presence at all on well-known consumer review platforms. As of this writing, the website has only been operational for 57 days. A glaring omission on the website is a customer service phone number, which is not displayed for visitors.
A fake store scam involves the setup of a phony online store, designed to trick people into buying non-existent or counterfeit goods. These scams often involve the use of copied website content, false advertising, and a lack of customer support infrastructure.