2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

We’ve found that Primezone-assets.org is running a crypto exchange scam. This was discovered when the site was just 102 days old. The partnerships they advertise aren’t real. They have no social media followers. Also, the site has copied content from other pages, making it unoriginal. Be cautious and avoid engaging with this site.

Primezone-assets.org is a fake crypto exchange with false partnerships and copied content. Avoid it.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam involves fraudsters creating fake cryptocurrency exchange platforms. They lure users by promising high returns and low fees. Scammers often use professional-looking websites and social media ads to appear legitimate. They may offer bonuses or incentives for early investors. These offers create a sense of urgency, pressuring people to act quickly. Once users deposit their funds, the scammers disappear, taking the money with them. Fake customer reviews and testimonials are common tactics. These reviews build trust and credibility. Scammers also use phishing emails to steal personal information. They often mimic well-known exchanges to trick users into sharing their login details.


Consumers have flagged Melonemine.com, accusing it of operating an investment scam. This website lures potential investors with promises of significant returns on initial investments. Unfortunately, it appears to be a ruse by fraudsters who take the invested money and vanish. It’s important to note that there are no customer reviews for this company on any […]


Jilldra.com is operating a dishonest online store scheme. The website’s content lacks originality, as it’s a duplicate of similar sites. The images displayed do not truthfully represent the products for sale. Several pages on the site are still under construction, containing default text and stand-in content. The company’s social media accounts have zero followers. Furthermore, […]


Our investigation reveals that Plant-outlet.com is not a genuine store, but a scam. The content on the website lacks uniqueness, hinting at possible duplication from similar sites. The products advertised on this site are not only false but could also pose a risk due to the use of substandard materials in their making. The images […]


Securityhardware.shop is currently under scrutiny for operating a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on the site do not accurately depict the products on sale. The content on the site lacks originality, suggesting it hasn’t been replicated from other comparable sites. The products advertised on this platform are knock-offs, potentially hazardous due to the substandard […]


Consumers have raised concerns about Shophavenofficial.shop, alleging it to be a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on the site are not genuine, which raised suspicions. Interestingly, this discovery was made when the website was barely 110 days old. A noticeable absence is the customer service phone number, which is not provided on the site. […]

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