7 months ago


Fake stores

Petfriscok.com, a website that has been recently discovered, is involved in a deceptive store scam. The images displayed on the site do not accurately represent the products for sale. False reviews from imaginary customers are also featured on the site, adding to the misleading nature of the operation. Evidence suggests that the website is being run from China. The website, at the time of discovery, was a mere 93 days old. The products offered for sale on this site are not authentic and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website also contains numerous incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate online store. These sites often display images of products that are not accurately represented, and feature false customer reviews. The products sold are usually counterfeit and could potentially be harmful due to the use of substandard materials. The website may also contain incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text.

Red Flags

Fake images
Fake reviews
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No business name
No phone numbers
No social media
In a fake store scam, fraudsters create an online storefront that mimics a legitimate one. The design, logos, and product descriptions all appear genuine. This makes it difficult to distinguish from a real online store. Scammers promise highly discounted prices on popular items. These prices are often too good to be true. They may also offer limited-time deals to create a sense of urgency. They use persuasive tactics to convince potential victims. They may send emails or text messages with links to the fake store. Scammers often use these methods to collect personal and financial information. The scammer's ultimate goal is to steal the victim's money or personal information. They will disappear once they have what they want, leaving the victim with no product and a lighter wallet.


Reports have emerged that Brookfieldaii.com is involved in fraudulent investment activities. Prospective investors are lured with the promise of high returns which, sadly, never materialize. Once the funds have been transferred, the culprits vanish without a trace. A closer look at the website reveals several incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text. The […]


Bitfinexfx-invest.com is involved in a dubious investment scheme. No external reviews for the website can be found, apart from on their own pages. It seems, their social media accounts are not followed by anyone. The so-called online partnerships they boast about, appear to be fraudulent. Moreover, the website content bears a striking resemblance to other […]


Shoptailactivewear.shop, a fresh addition to the online shopping world, has been in operation for only 30 days. It has been suspected of operating under fraudulent pretenses. A noticeable red flag is the absence of any customer service contact number, leaving customers with no direct channel for queries or complaints. The content displayed on their site […]


People have raised complaints about Smglobalsignal.com, stating it’s an investment scam. The site promises substantial returns on your investment. However, after you transfer your funds, it vanishes as the fraudsters behind the scam abscond with your money. The photos displayed on this site are misleading and not authentic. The content isn’t original, and evidence indicates […]


Englishgeorgianamerica.shop is operating a deceptive online store. The items sold on this platform are not genuine and may pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their production. The website lacks a customer service contact number. We observed numerous pages on the site that are under construction, filled with placeholder content. The company […]

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