1 week ago


Investment scams

Peaktreecapital.com has been identified as an investment scam. The domain name is only 11 days old at the time of this report. The website promises high returns on investments, but scammers disappear with the money. It lacks a customer service phone number and has no reviews outside its own pages. Additionally, the company’s social media presence is almost non-existent.

An investment scam involves deceitful schemes where scammers promise high returns to lure investors, then abscond with the money.

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Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters convincing individuals to invest money in fake or misleading opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They may use persuasive language and fabricated success stories to gain trust. Fraudsters frequently create a sense of urgency, pressuring victims to act quickly before missing out. They might also claim to have insider information or exclusive opportunities. These tactics are designed to make the investment seem legitimate and time-sensitive. Scammers often use professional-looking websites and fake credentials to appear credible. They may also exploit social proof by showing fake testimonials from satisfied investors. Once they receive the money, they disappear, leaving victims with significant financial losses.


Morganfinances.com is at the center of a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise enormous returns to their investors, only to disappear once they’ve received their deposits. No evidence of the company’s existence can be found on popular consumer review websites, casting further doubt on their legitimacy. Even on social media, the company’s accounts are devoid of […]


Assets-growth.com is running an investment scam. The website promises big returns on your first investment, but once you deposit your money, the scammers take it and disappear. There are no reviews for the company on major consumer review sites. The address on their website doesn’t match any real business location. They don’t have any social […]


Homewarehot.com, an online shopping portal, has unfortunately been identified as a fraudulent operation. The images of the products featured on the site are misleading, as they do not represent the actual items sold. Interestingly, this scam was unearthed when the website was a mere 91 days old. The website’s administration appears to be managed from […]


Westlanddachshundpuppies.com stands accused of being a fraudulent pet site. Barely a month had passed since its creation when suspicions arose. A glaring omission is a contact number for customer service. It hosts deceptive images, not authentic ones. Several website pages remain under construction, packed with placeholder content and empty spaces. The company’s social media accounts […]


We’ve found that Elitecoinonline.org is running a deceptive investment scheme. The operators promise high returns on investment, but once you put your money in, they disappear, leaving you with a loss. Strangely, we couldn’t locate any reviews about the company. Furthermore, their social media accounts seemed to have no followers, raising more suspicions. Many pages […]

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