9 months ago


Fake stores

Customers have reported Outdoorsrockingchairs.shop for operating a fraudulent online store. The products sold on this platform are knock-offs, potentially posing risks due to the substandard materials used in their manufacture. The site lacks a listed customer service phone number. Additionally, the website has been flagged for content plagiarism, mimicking other similar sites. Stock images are used to represent the products for sale. Unfinished pages filled with default content and placeholder text were discovered on the site. The company’s social media accounts have no followers.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent online store that sells counterfeit products or doesn’t deliver the products at all. These scams often use plagiarized content, stock images, and lack customer service contact information. They may also have unfinished website pages and no social media following.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No business address
No phone numbers
No social media
Fake store scams are a growing concern in the digital age. These scams involve fraudsters creating bogus online stores offering popular items at significantly reduced prices. They draw in potential victims with these enticing deals. The websites can appear legitimate, with professional-looking designs, secure payment options, and customer reviews. These scammers invest time and money in making these sites look as authentic as possible. The most common promise made by these fraudsters is high-quality items at an unbeatable price. Some may even offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. They use these tactics to make the offer seem too good to pass up. Once payment has been made, the item is never delivered. In some instances, the victim may receive a knock-off product of inferior quality. The goal of these scams is to take your money or personal information for fraudulent purposes.


Filaonline.shop is operating a deceptive scheme, presenting itself as a legitimate store. The items showcased on their site are not genuine, posing potential risks due to the poor quality materials used in their creation. The images shown do not truthfully represent the products they claim to sell. The website’s content appears to be copied, bearing […]


Omegatrustinvestment.com has come under fire for its questionable practices, being labelled as an investment scam. They lure potential investors with promises of significant growth, but once the investment is made, the funds mysteriously vanish. The website’s social media presence is non-existent which raises red flags about its legitimacy. In addition, many pages on the website […]


Liveprotrade.pro, a website that’s been operational for just 139 days, is orchestrating an investment scam. The site lacks a customer service phone number and the contact numbers listed are disconnected. Despite claiming to operate within a specific state, the company isn’t registered there. It also has no significant presence on social media or well-known consumer […]


It seems that Mybeerdealerus.shop is not a legitimate business. The website sprung up recently, with its domain name barely a month old. It lacks a customer service phone line, a feature that most genuine businesses offer. Upon further inspection, it appears that the content on the site has simply been lifted from other similar websites, […]


Homeonlinefurniture.com has been caught red-handed operating a deceitful store scam. Interestingly the website has been active for just 59 days when it was flagged. One noticeable aspect of the site is the lack of originality in its content, which appears to be copied from other similar websites. The site lacks a customer service phone number, […]

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