11 months ago


Fake stores

Opt-aquatics.com, a relatively new website, only 52 days old, is suspected of engaging in fraudulent activities. A noticeable lack of customer service contact information raises alarm bells. The content on the website lacks originality, appearing to be a direct copy of other similar websites. Furthermore, the products offered on the site are counterfeit, potentially posing a risk due to the inferior quality of the materials used in their production. The images used to represent these products do not accurately reflect the actual items. Several incomplete pages filled with default content and placeholder text further undermine the site’s credibility. The absence of a social media presence for the company is another red flag.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. These sites often sell counterfeit goods or take customers’ money without delivering any products. They typically lack customer service and have no social media presence.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud where con artists create a fake online store. These stores often look very real, with professional-looking websites and products that seem too good to be true. Scammers use these fake online stores to trick people into buying products that don't exist. They lure customers with extremely low prices, limited-time offers, or hard-to-find items. Once the customer pays, the scammer takes the money but never delivers the product. Sometimes, these scams also involve stealing personal information. When customers enter their credit card details or other personal information, the scammers can use this for identity theft. To avoid fake store scams, it's crucial to do your research. Check reviews, look for clear contact information, and use secure payment methods. If a deal seems too good to be true, it probably is. Be wary of online stores you've never heard of before, and always trust your instincts. Remember, when shopping online, safety should always come first. Don't let a great deal blind you to the potential risks of online shopping.


Dewaltstores.com, a seemingly innocuous website, is actually operating a counterfeit store scam. The material on this website bears a striking resemblance to other similar sites, suggesting a possible case of content duplication. The products displayed on this site are not genuine, and their low-quality materials could potentially be hazardous. The images used on the site […]


Customers have voiced complaints against Poloshoesshop.com, accusing the website of being a fraudulent online store. It seems the images displayed on the site are not true representations of the products they’re supposed to be selling. The website is quite new, having been registered just 57 days prior to this report. Concerns are raised further because […]


Cryptoifxsstockitrading.online has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. They promise massive returns on your investment, but in reality, they disappear soon after you invest your hard-earned money. Surprisingly, the company has no reviews on major consumer review platforms. Their social media presence is virtually nonexistent, with no followers to speak of. Several pages on […]


Scontomobili.com has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The website, which has been active for 81 days at the time of this report, has raised several red flags. One of the most glaring issues is the absence of a customer service phone number on the site. There are also strong indications that the site […]


Truefishst.shop is a scam. The site probably runs from China. When we checked, the website was 144 days old. The photos on the site don’t show the real products. The website displays fake reviews from made-up customers. The business doesn’t seem to be registered in the state it says it’s in. No reviews of the […]

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