11 months ago


Fake stores

Reports have surfaced that Openairdealus.com is nothing more than an elaborate sham. The website’s content isn’t original and the products it lists are far from genuine. The materials used in the manufacture of these items are of inferior quality, posing potential hazards to users. Furthermore, the images shown on the site fail to accurately represent the items on sale. Interestingly, the company maintains no presence on any social media platform.

A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online store to deceive potential buyers. These scams often feature duplicate content and counterfeit products, with images that do not accurately represent the actual items for sale. The presence of such scams on social media platforms is usually non-existent.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a type of fraud where scammers create a fake online store. They make it look like a legitimate business to trick people into buying products that don't exist. Scammers use professional-looking websites and enticing deals to lure in victims. They might offer popular items at incredibly low prices to make the deal seem too good to pass up. Once a purchase is made, the scammer gets the victim's credit card information. They can then use this for other fraudulent activities. The buyer never receives the product they paid for and often find it difficult to get their money back. Remember, if a deal looks too good to be true it probably is. Always research an online store before making a purchase. Check for reviews and other information to ensure it's a legitimate business.


Machrusa.shop is operating a fraudulent retail scheme. This illicit activity came to light when the website had been in operation for only a month. Notably absent on the site is a customer service phone number. The website uses imitation strategies, replicating content from similar pages. Items available on the webpage are counterfeit, potentially posing risks […]


Consumers have flagged Mode-schoenen.com as a fraudulent online store. The website, which was just 42 days old at the time it was reported, is filled with featured photos that are not genuine. The content of the website is not original either; it has been copied from other sites. A conspicuous absence of a customer support […]


Cityindexalgo.com, a name well-known to many consumers, is now notorious for running a fraudulent investment scheme. They cleverly paint a picture of significant profits from investing, but once the investment is made, the culprits vanish with the money. Surprisingly, major consumer review platforms had no reviews for this company. Furthermore, the company maintains no presence […]


According to reports, Electricboardingcous.shop is a fraudulent online store. The website, which had been live for 27 days at the time of this report, doesn’t provide a customer service phone number. It seems to favor mimicry, using content taken from similar websites. The items sold on the site are counterfeit, and their inferior construction could […]


Erinmark.top operates a deceptive online shop. The content on this website appears to mirror similar sites, suggesting it might be duplicating information. Images showcased on the site fail to accurately portray the products being sold. Unfinished pages, filled with default content and placeholder text, are scattered throughout the website. Furthermore, the company’s presence on social […]

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