5 months ago


Crypto scams

Consumers have raised concerns about Oasis-trading.online, alleging that it’s involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The website, which was only 75 days old at the time of these reports, makes enticing promises of rapid financial growth. However, when individuals invest their money, the perpetrators behind the scam disappear with the funds. Interestingly, the business does not have a legitimate establishment in the state it purports to operate from. A search for reviews on major platforms yielded no results, and the company lacks any presence on social media platforms.

A crypto scam is a fraudulent scheme that involves the use of cryptocurrencies. It often involves promising high returns on investments in a short period. The scammers usually disappear with the investors’ money once they have invested, leaving the investors with significant losses.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto scam involves fraudulent schemes that trick people into investing in cryptocurrencies. These scams often promise high returns and low risk. They use persuasive language and compelling stories to lure investors. Scammers may pose as reputable organizations or individuals. These criminals can create fake websites, social media accounts, and email addresses. They also use sophisticated tactics like phishing and malware attacks. In some scams, they may ask for payment in cryptocurrency. It's a ploy to take advantage of the anonymous nature of such transactions. Once the payment is made, it's almost impossible to trace or recover. A common type of crypto scam is the "pump and dump". Here, scammers create hype around a particular cryptocurrency to inflate its price. Once the price increases, they sell their holdings for a profit, causing the price to plummet and leaving investors with significant losses. Remember, not all cryptocurrency investments are scams. However, anyone considering such an investment should conduct thorough research and consider seeking advice from a financial advisor.


Forelinkinvestment.com has been identified as the source of an investment fraud. They lure innocent investors with promises of quick wealth accumulation. However, when you put your money in, the fraudsters disappear, leaving you with nothing. The company has no reviews on any of the well-known consumer review websites, which is a red flag. In addition, […]


On March 1, 2023, a user reported that Verifywithsafety.com has been categorized as a phishing website. The website’s ownership is concealed through the use of a third-party privacy service. According to the website’s self-description, it is a “Marketing Aggregator Site” that employs various techniques to generate sales through its affiliates. However, the website’s services are […]


Exaltted.net operates a crypto exchange scam. Deceptive testimonials from non-existent clients adorn the website, insinuating significant returns on investments. Yet, once investors pour money into it, the miscreants abscond with it. The listed phone numbers on the website remain unresponsive. A glaring absence of social media representation for the company raises eyebrows. The supposed registration […]


Yameleni.com, a relatively new website with an age of just 67 days, is under scrutiny for operating a deceptive online store. The lack of a customer service phone number raises immediate red flags. More concerning is the unoriginality of its content, which appears to be a carbon copy of similar websites. The items listed for […]


On February 1, 2023, reports surfaced identifying Privateinternationaldelivery.net as a scam website operating in the shipping category. The domain name is new, having been registered on January 1, 2023. The website typically serves as a front for shipping and cargo scams, often in conjunction with other fraudulent activities such as pet scams or fake wholesale […]

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