2 weeks ago


Investment scams

Next-switch.com has been flagged as an investment scam. They promise high returns, but once you invest, they take your money and disappear. The company has no presence on major review sites. The content on their website is copied from other sources. The scam was uncovered when the site was just 103 days old. The company isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate in. The partnerships they advertise are fake.

Investment scams trick people into putting money into fake opportunities, promising high returns but delivering nothing.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Fake partnerships
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
An investment scam involves fraudsters convincing people to invest money in fake opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They claim these investments are exclusive or time-sensitive. Fraudsters use persuasive tactics to build trust. They may present fake testimonials and fabricated documents. Some even create professional-looking websites and offices. They often pressure victims to act quickly. Scammers also exploit emotions, such as fear of missing out. They may claim to have insider information or special access. Victims are usually told their investments are secure and guaranteed to grow. Once they receive the money, scammers disappear. Victims rarely recover their investments. These scams can result in significant financial loss and emotional distress.


Consumers have lodged complaints against Fishingfrisky.com, accusing it of peddling a fake store scam. The website was a mere 91 days old when the allegations surfaced. The merchandise on offer on this platform is inauthentic and could potentially pose a risk owing to the substandard materials employed in their manufacture. The operation of the website […]


Vltavatrade.com has been flagged as a fraudulent investment platform. The website, which was only 146 days old when the scam was detected, is owned and operated by a foreign entity. There’s no phone number provided for customer service, and the business address mentioned on the site is incorrect. Furthermore, the company lacks any social media […]


The website Raimentattire.com is operating a fraudulent online store. The content on the site lacks uniqueness, seeming to mimic material from similar websites. An address is listed for the business, but upon investigation, it doesn’t exist. The products offered on the site are counterfeit and potentially dangerous due to the substandard materials used in their […]


Reports indicate that Lavishvestido.com is not what it appears to be, with evidence pointing towards it being a fraudulent online store. A simple browse through the website reveals numerous unfinished sections, filled with default content and placeholder texts, a clear sign of unprofessionalism. Furthermore, despite the increasing importance of social media presence for businesses, this […]


Shoppremiumloungeny.shop has been identified as an online fraud. It wasn’t long after its creation, a mere 31 days, that the scam came to light. One glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number. Doubts arise about the website’s originality as its content seems to be copied from elsewhere. The images it […]

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