The website was recently found to be orchestrating a counterfeit store scheme. The website, which is just a little over three months old, is engaging in the sale of inauthentic items. The items sold on this platform are not only fake, but they also have the potential to harm due to the substandard materials used in their production. Evidence points towards China as the base of operations for this website. Pictures displayed on the site are fraudulently represented as original. A noticeable similarity between this site’s content and that of other similar websites raises serious doubts about its originality. In addition, the company falsely claims to be registered in a state where it does not legally operate.
A fake store scam involves creating a fraudulent online retail outlet to deceive customers into purchasing counterfeit or non-existent products. The scammer typically uses counterfeit images and descriptions to make the items appear legitimate. They then collect payment but never deliver the promised goods. This type of scam is particularly dangerous as it not only risks financial loss, but also personal identity theft if personal information is shared during the purchase process.