2 months ago


Investment scams

Consumers have flagged Navexstock.com as a fraudulent investment operation. The website, only 144 days old at the time of the report, lacks a customer service phone number. The address listed on the site doesn’t correspond to any known business location. Furthermore, the business name they claim to operate under isn’t registered in the state they purport to be based. The company’s presence on social media is almost invisible, and there are no reviews for them on any of the well-known consumer review websites.

An investment scam is a deceptive operation where fraudsters trick individuals into investing money with promises of high returns, but instead, they use the funds for personal gain or to pay previous investors, creating a cycle of deceit.

Red Flags

Fake address
Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a deceptive practice. Scammers lure individuals with promises of high returns on investments. They may claim that the opportunity is exclusive or time-sensitive, pressuring you to act quickly. They often use persuasive tactics. These can be elaborate stories about why the investment is so profitable. Often, these stories are backed by fake testimonials from other 'investors' who have supposedly made a lot of money. The scammer's goal is to get you to invest your money. Once they have it, they disappear, leaving you with a significant financial loss. Remember, if an investment sounds too good to be true, it probably is.


Cararxstocks.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment operation. Despite being a relatively new site, only 145 days old, it has raised suspicions due to the absence of a customer service phone number and a lack of social media presence. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you transfer the funds, they vanish […]


Californshop.com, an online marketplace, has received complaints from shoppers about being a fraudulent operation. Uncovered within just 42 days of its launch, this con is cleverly crafted to look like a legitimate online store. Interestingly, it lacks a customer service contact number, a common feature of reputable businesses. Notably, the site borrows heavily from other […]


The website known as Shopthirteenlune.shop has been found to be involved in a counterfeit store scam. This discovery was made when the website was merely a month old. A conspicuous absence of a customer support phone number raises suspicion about its legitimacy. The items being sold on the site are not genuine, and the low-quality […]


Customers have flagged Designerentryway.shop for operating a counterfeit store scam. The items listed for sale on this site are fabricated and can potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their creation. The website employs stock images for the products it offers. When discovered, the website was barely three months old. The site […]


Haventrdemkt.com is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises lucrative returns on your investment, but once you’ve invested, the fraudsters abscond with your money. The pictures displayed on the site do not accurately depict the product they’re selling. The partnerships showcased on the company’s site are fictitious. The scam came to light when the […]

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