2 weeks ago


Crypto scams

Mtglobalmarketfx.com is perpetrating a crypto exchange scam. When discovered, the website was merely 103 days old, and its reviews were found to be fake. The phone numbers listed are inactive, and the site exhibits content plagiarism, mimicking other similar websites. Additionally, the business name it uses is not registered in the state where it claims to operate.

A crypto exchange scam involves fraudulent websites or platforms that deceive users into investing or trading cryptocurrencies, often leading to financial loss.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake business name
Fake reviews
Phone disconnected
Recently registered
A crypto exchange scam often involves fake platforms posing as legitimate exchanges. Scammers lure victims with promises of high returns on investments. They frequently advertise guaranteed profits and exclusive opportunities. These fraudsters create professional-looking websites to gain trust. They use social engineering tactics to manipulate their targets. Victims are persuaded to deposit their money into these fake exchanges. Once the funds are transferred, the scammers disappear without a trace. Scammers also use phishing emails and social media to reach potential victims. They impersonate well-known figures in the cryptocurrency community. This adds a layer of credibility to their schemes. The victims feel reassured and more likely to invest.


Neighbourusa.shop operates a counterfeit store scheme. The website’s registration is recent. The domain name, when reported, was a mere 32 days old. The website lacks a visible customer service number. The website’s content is far from original, it mirrors the content of similar sites. The images on this site misrepresent the products for sale. Numerous […]


Securedmarketsfx.com is operating what appears to be an investment scam. They promise significant returns on your investment, but once the money is invested, it vanishes without a trace. The website itself is fairly new, having been registered just 45 days prior to the filing of this report. The content on the site seems to be […]


Shopchateausew.shop appears to be a deceptive operation. Our findings show the website to be a mere 29 days old, without any listed contact number for customer service. The content lacks originality, with many sections mirroring other similar websites exactly. The showcased products are nothing more than clever counterfeits, possibly dangerous due to the subpar quality […]


Mignane.com, a relatively new website, has been exposed for operating a counterfeit store scam. Discovered just 67 days after its creation, the website was found to be using fraudulent images. Its pages are incomplete, filled with preset content and placeholder text. The company’s presence on social media is virtually non-existent, raising further suspicion. Despite its […]


People have flagged Find-camping.com for operating a deceptive retail scam. The business address listed on the website doesn’t exist in reality. Indications point to the website being run out of China. When the website was discovered, it was barely three months old. The products featured on this platform are fake, potentially hazardous due to the […]

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