9 months ago


Fake stores

Monc13.shop is a website that has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The items for sale on this site are replicas, and their quality is questionable due to the substandard materials used in their making. The images used to advertise these products are generic and not original. A noticeable absence is a customer support phone number on the website. The website, at the time of discovery, was barely over three months old. A closer look at the website’s data reveals content that has been copied from other similar websites, indicating a lack of creativity and originality. There were no customer reviews found on any of the major review platforms. The website also contains many incomplete pages filled with generic content and placeholder text. Furthermore, the company does not have a presence on any social media platforms.

A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website pretends to be a legitimate online store. They display products for sale, often at attractive prices, but the goods are either counterfeit or don’t exist at all. The aim is to trick customers into parting with their money or personal information.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Fake images
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam refers to a deceptive tactic where scammers create a bogus online store. These stores appear legitimate, advertising popular items at discounted prices. You might come across these stores on social media, through unsolicited emails, or even search engine results. The scammers behind these stores often build an illusion of credibility using fake customer reviews and product descriptions copied from legitimate sites. They attract customers with irresistible offers or hard-to-find products. The sites may even have full shopping carts, payment options and order tracking facilities. Once you pay, however, the products don't arrive. Some scams even go beyond stealing your money. They may collect sensitive information, such as your credit card details or personal data, for fraudulent activities. In some cases these stores exist only for a short time. The scammer closes the store after scamming a number of people, then reopens it under a different name to dodge any legal consequences.


Homewarehot.com, an online shopping portal, has unfortunately been identified as a fraudulent operation. The images of the products featured on the site are misleading, as they do not represent the actual items sold. Interestingly, this scam was unearthed when the website was a mere 91 days old. The website’s administration appears to be managed from […]


Riipuscheap.com, a website we’ve discovered, is running a collection scam. There’s no customer service number listed on their site. The products they offer are fake and could pose safety risks due to the poor quality materials used to make them. The website, when we found it, was only 143 days old. The images they use […]


Customers have reported Avortrade.com for executing a crypto exchange swindle. The website, only 24 days old when the complaints came in, lured investors with promises of substantial returns. Yet, once the investment was made, the fraudsters absconded with the funds. A missing customer service contact number is a noticeable flaw on the site. It also […]


Cryptofxglobal.net, a new website on the block, has been identified as a fraudulent investment platform. Promising high returns on your investments, the site operators slyly make away with your hard-earned money the moment you invest. An in-depth look into the site’s content reveals it to be far from original, with several sections appearing to be […]


Digliovest.com is engaged in a deceptive scheme. They lure potential investors with the promise of high returns, only to vanish once they have pocketed the funds. Surprisingly, their social media footprint is barely visible. Their website is peppered with numerous incomplete pages, filled with generic content and unfinished sections. A conspicuous absence of a customer […]

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