1 year ago


Fake stores

Modeshoesshop.com has been found to be a fraudulent online store. The products listed on the site are counterfeit and potentially dangerous due to the substandard materials used in their production. The content on the site is not original, and the images used do not accurately represent the products being sold. The website also contains numerous pages still in their development phase, filled with default content and placeholder tags. Alarmingly, the company has no presence on social media and has no reviews on any well-known consumer review websites. The scam was uncovered when the website was just 48 days old, and there is no customer service phone number listed on the site.

Fake store scams involve deceptive websites that mimic legitimate online stores. These fraudulent sites offer products at significantly lower prices to lure in customers. However, the products they sell are often counterfeit or of poor quality, and in some cases, customers receive nothing at all after making a payment.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Fake store scams are a growing issue in the online marketplace. Scammers create fake online stores that look like genuine ones. They use sophisticated designs, stolen logos, and low prices to lure people in. These websites often offer popular items at ridiculously low rates, to attract unsuspecting customers. The scammer's goal is to take your money without sending the goods. In more extreme cases, they may steal personal information for identity theft. Tactics they use include pressuring you to buy immediately with limited-time deals or free shipping. The catch is, you will never receive the product you paid for. Once the payment is made, the fake store disappears without a trace. Leaving the deceived customers without their money or the product they believed they were getting.


Pro-gainer.com runs an investment scam. A foreign company controls the site, and the listed business address is fake. No customer service phone number appears on the site. The website is newly registered; only 59 days old when this report was made. They promise huge profits from investing, but once you invest, they disappear with your […]


Consumers have lodged complaints against Exlirbit.com, accusing it of operating a fraudulent investment scheme. The company promises significant returns on your investment. However, after you’ve transferred your funds, the fraudsters abscond with your money. Several sections of the website are still under construction, filled with default content and placeholder text. The company’s advertised online partnerships […]


Kxminerstrade.com is running an investment scam. They promise big returns but vanish with your money after you invest. The company isn’t on major review sites and has no social media presence. There’s no customer service phone number on their website. When we found it, the site was just 16 days old. Investment scams trick people […]


Erainvestor.com, a recently launched website, is involved in a crypto scam. The domain name, at the time of this report, is just 145 days old. Interestingly, the website lacks a customer support phone number. Despite claiming to be legally established in a specific state, the business doesn’t have any legal standing there. The company’s social […]


Megaz-earning.com has been identified as an investment scam, discovered when the website was merely 37 days old. The business address listed on the site is fraudulent, and there is no customer service phone number provided. The website lures individuals with promises of substantial profits, but once you invest, the scammers disappear with your money. Furthermore, […]

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