9 months ago


Crypto scams

Minoinvesteope.com, a relatively new website, has been identified as a fraudulent crypto exchange platform. The site, which has only been active for 84 days, promises high returns on investments. However, once you transfer your funds, the operators vanish, taking your money with them. Interestingly, the company’s social media accounts have no followers. Furthermore, there’s no record of the company’s registration in the state it purports to operate from.

A crypto exchange scam involves a fraudulent platform that lures investors with the promise of high returns on their cryptocurrency investments. Once the investors transfer their funds, the operators of the platform disappear, effectively stealing the investors’ money.

Red Flags

Fake business name
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A crypto exchange scam is a fraudulent practice that targets cryptocurrency investors. It's often wrapped in the promise of quick, high returns. Scammers lure victims with alluring promises that are too good to be true. Tactics used are diverse. They can range from false advertising, Ponzi schemes or even faux investment platforms. Scammers often use social media and email campaigns for promotion. They may also use fake testimonials and fabricate trading history. One common approach is the "pump and dump" scheme. Here, artificially inflating the price of a less-known cryptocurrency is the first step. The aim is to attract investors to buy in large quantities. Once the price is high, scammers sell off their shares causing the price to plummet. In some cases, the exchange platform itself is a scam. It appears legitimate, with a professional-looking website. However, once users deposit their cryptocurrency into the platform, it disappears. The platform is then shut down and the scammers disappear with the victims' funds.


Saletoolstore.com has come under scrutiny for its dubious operations. With only 52 days of existence, it has already been flagged as a fraudulent online store. A glaring red flag is the absence of a customer service contact number. Moreover, an in-depth analysis of the website’s data reveals similarities with other sites, implying that the content […]


Reports have surfaced of Leveledupinstitute.com operating as an investment scam. They entice potential investors with promises of high returns, only to vanish once the investment is made. The website itself is relatively new, having been registered a mere 42 days ago at the time of this report. In addition, the site lacks a customer service […]


Retrostageus.shop, a recently established website, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. Only 32 days old at the time of this report, the website lacks a customer service contact number, raising suspicions. Its content, far from original, is a mere imitation of other similar sites. Moreover, the goods being marketed on the website are […]


Mcbtrustbitcoinmine.com, a website that’s been operational for 111 days, is reportedly involved in a cryptocurrency scam. The site promises substantial profits, but it’s been reported that the fraudsters disappear once they receive deposits. Unfortunately, there’s no customer service contact listed on the site. A number of incomplete pages, filled with default content and placeholder text, […]


Paradigntrading.com has been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise substantial profits on your investments, but once you put your money in, the fraudsters vanish with your cash. The website, at the time it was discovered, was a mere 96 days old. The contact numbers provided on the site are currently inoperative. The content […]

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