11 months ago


Investment scams

Customers have raised red flags about Minersera.org, accusing the website of running an investment scheme. Although they paint a picture of potential high returns from investing, the reality is that once you hand over your money, the culprits vanish. The website lacks a social media following, and a thorough search of popular consumer review websites yields no reviews for the company. The partnerships they proudly display on their site are nothing more than a sham. Many of the site’s pages are empty, filled only with generic content and placeholder text. Rather than showcasing actual products, the site uses stock images. The fraud came to light when the website was a mere 60 days old. Furthermore, the site is guilty of plagiarizing content from other websites.

In essence, an investment scam is a fraudulent scheme where individuals are enticed to part with their money, with the promise of high returns. However, instead of generating profits, the schemers pocket the money and vanish, leaving the investors with empty pockets. It’s a deceitful practice that preys on people’s trust and desire for quick financial gain.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake partnerships
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam is a fraudulent business scheme. It is designed to defraud investors of their money. Scammers may use persuasive tactics. They often promise high returns with low risk. These promises are often too good to be true. Scammers may also create a sense of urgency. They might put pressure on you to invest quickly. They use this tactic to prevent you from doing proper research. It's also common for scammers to use complex jargon. This is used to confuse potential investors. Investors may feel pressured to invest without fully understanding the deal. The scams can appear professional. Scammers might have well-designed websites. They may use technical language. This can make them seem legitimate and trustworthy, Remember, all investments come with some degree of risk. Guaranteed high returns are a classic sign of a scam.


Alphatradegold.online is operating an investment scam. You won’t find a single follower on their social media platforms. Placeholder notes and unaltered content fill the underdeveloped pages of their website. The online partnerships they boast about are nothing more than lies. An investment scam is a fraudulent practice that involves the illegal sale or purported sale […]


Cycle-dargent-garanti.com raises suspicions of fraudulent investment activities. The website, merely two weeks old at the time of discovery, lacks a customer service phone number. Any attempt to track down the company’s listed address proves futile; it’s not authentic. Despite claiming to be registered in a certain state, the business name doesn’t appear in any official […]


Goldbricktrust.com is a scam. When we found it, the site was just 103 days old. They claim to run under a business name that isn’t registered in the state they say they’re in. The address listed on the site is fake, and the phone numbers don’t work. An investment scam tricks people into putting money […]


Customers have raised concerns about Urfragances.com, alleging it to be a fraudulent online store. The website, which is still under construction, is filled with placeholder content and nonsensical text. The domain name is a recent registration, being only three months old at the time of these allegations. The website lacks a contact phone number for […]


Affluentdragons.org has been found to be a fraudulent investment platform. This website entices potential investors with the allure of significant returns on their initial capital, only for the fraudsters to abscond with the deposited funds. The pictures displayed on this site do not accurately depict the product they are advertising. The website was recently established, […]

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