7 days ago


Investment scams

Metro-btrades.com has been flagged as an investment scam. The scam came to light when the site was just 10 days old. The business address listed on the site doesn’t exist. Customer service contact details are useless since the phone numbers don’t work. The company doesn’t show up on major consumer review sites. It also has no social media profiles.

An investment scam tricks people into putting their money into fake opportunities, promising high returns that never materialize.

Red Flags

Fake address
Phone disconnected
Recently registered

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters tricking individuals into investing money in fake opportunities. Scammers often promise high returns with little or no risk. They claim to have insider information or exclusive deals. These offers sound too good to be true. Scammers use persuasive tactics to build trust. They may create fake websites or use official-looking documents. Some even pose as financial advisors or industry experts. They pressure victims to act quickly, saying the opportunity is limited. Victims may see initial returns to build confidence. Eventually, the scammer disappears with the invested funds. This leaves victims with significant financial losses. Many people fall for these scams because they appear legitimate and convincing.


Stixbex.com has recently been identified as a fraudulent investment scheme. The site promises high returns on your investments, but after you’ve deposited your money, the perpetrators abscond with it. Notably, the company lacks any online presence in social media platforms. Moreover, it seems there are no reviews about the company available anywhere. The pictures found […]


We’ve come across a website, Globiscoinx.com, and it gives off strong indications of being an illegitimate investment scheme. They promise you hefty returns for your investment, but once you’ve transferred your money to them, they vanish without a trace. You’ll find a number of web pages on their site still under development, packed with standard […]


Chicgolfwear.com, a website we’ve been monitoring, appears to be a fraudulent online store. The site, which is only 44 days old at the time of our investigation, features counterfeit reviews from non-existent customers. The products advertised on the site are not only false but could also pose a risk due to the low-quality materials used […]


On February 20, 2023, a user on ScamGuard reported Ahoradot.com as a fake online store. Ahoradot.com is a newly registered domain name that was created on January 30, 2023, and was only 20 days old at the time of the complaint. Despite claiming to offer discounted gaming consoles and accessories, evidence suggests that Ahoradot.com is […]


Carpetculture.shop, a digital marketplace, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The products it offers are counterfeit, potentially posing safety hazards due to the subpar materials used in their creation. The scam came to light when the website was merely three months old. Notably, the website does not provide a contact number for customer […]

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