1 week ago


Investment scams

People have reported Mentrotradepo.com as an investment scam. They found out about it when the website was just 11 days old. There’s no customer service phone number. The site promises huge returns on your investment, but once you put your money in, the scammers disappear with it. You won’t find any social media profiles for this business either.

An investment scam tricks people into putting money into fake opportunities, promising high returns but stealing the funds instead.

Red Flags

Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
An investment scam involves fraudsters promising high returns with little or no risk. They often claim guaranteed profits, which is unrealistic in genuine investments. Scammers use persuasive language and fabricated success stories to build trust. They might present fake credentials or endorsements to appear credible. These scams often urge quick decisions to prevent potential investors from conducting thorough research. Scammers create a sense of urgency, suggesting limited-time offers or exclusive opportunities. Victims may be asked to invest in non-existent businesses, fake stocks, or Ponzi schemes. Communication is usually through emails, phone calls, or social media. Scammers may also use sophisticated websites that mimic legitimate investment firms. Once they collect the money, they disappear, leaving investors with significant losses.


Universal-expertfx.com has been found to be perpetrating a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure unsuspecting victims with promises of hefty returns on investments. However, once the money is invested, the fraudsters disappear, leaving the investor high and dry. The company also lacks significant representation in terms of customer reviews on major review websites. Surprisingly, it is […]


Customers have raised concerns about Atticahouse.shop, alleging it to be a sham. The images displayed on the site don’t genuinely represent the items they’re selling. It seems the website has lifted content from other sources. The goods they’re selling are knock-offs, potentially hazardous due to the substandard materials used in their creation. As of this […]


Primebit.top, identified as a crypto exchange scam, promises substantial growth on investments. The reality, however, starkly contrasts this claim. Once you invest, the money vanishes into thin air, pocketed by scammers who then evaporate. Reviews of the website are non-existent, except for those on their own pages. The company’s presence on social media platforms is […]


Epoolsupplyus.shop, a recently identified site, is a fraudulent online shop. The website’s registration occurred within the last month, specifically 28 days ago. Lack of a customer service phone number is a glaring issue with the site. Content appears suspiciously similar to other websites, suggesting possible plagiarism. Counterfeit products make up the site’s inventory, potentially dangerous […]


Consumers have reported frx-ultimateltd.com for operating a collection scam. They entice you with promises of significant returns on your investments. However, once you invest, the fraudsters disappear with your money. The website lacks a customer service phone number, making it impossible to reach them. Numerous incomplete pages riddled with default content and placeholder text can […]

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