2 months ago


Investment scams

Consumers have flagged Marotradepro.online as a fraudulent investment platform. Despite its recent establishment, with the domain name being a mere 144 days old at the time of reporting, it has already raised several red flags. There’s no customer service contact number provided on the site, and the address listed for the business is inaccurate. The company also lacks a presence on any social media platforms. Furthermore, it has not garnered any reviews on major review platforms. The platform entices potential investors with promises of high returns, but once the investment is made, the fraudsters pocket the money and vanish.

An investment scam is a scheme where fraudsters trick individuals into parting with their money, promising high returns. However, once the investment is made, the scammer takes the money and disappears, leaving the investor with a significant loss.

Red Flags

Fake address
Recently registered

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams are deceitful operations. They trick people into investing money with promises of high returns. These scams often appear legitimate. They may use professional-looking websites and documents. Scammers usually promise quick, high returns and low risk. They may use aggressive sales tactics. They often pressure victims to make quick decisions. They may use complex jargon. This confuses victims and makes the scam seem more legitimate. Sometimes, they even pay out initial returns. This is to gain trust and encourage more investment. Investment scams come in many forms. They include Ponzi schemes, pyramid schemes and pump-and-dump schemes. These scams can lead to significant financial loss for victims.


Be wary of Hugostradewif.com – it’s embroiled in an investment scam. The site lures you in with promising returns on your investment, only to abscond with your money once you’ve made an investment. It’s a classic case of a bait-and-switch. In addition, there are multiple unfinished pages on their website, filled with default content and […]


The website Ctrdrs.online has been identified as a fraudulent platform for cryptocurrency investments. The site promises high returns on your investment, but once you put your money in, the fraudsters vanish with your funds. The site’s registration is recent, with the domain name being just 76 days old at the time of this report. The […]


Tradeproprofit.com has been flagged as a fraudulent cryptocurrency exchange. Despite its recent establishment, only 27 days old at the time of reporting, the site promises substantial profits for investors. But, once you invest, the unscrupulous individuals behind the platform disappear with your money. A glaring omission is the lack of a customer support phone number. […]


Aventafx.com is operating a deceptive investment scheme. The website, only 144 days old at the time of this investigation, has inactive phone lines listed for contact. The business address shown on the site is a fabrication. Surprisingly, the company has no presence on any social media platforms. Moreover, it’s impossible to find any reviews about […]


Reports claim that Primeexchangemarkets.com is a fraudulent investment scheme. The perpetrators promise substantial returns on your investments, but once the money is handed over, they disappear. The website does not have any social media footprint, and the partnerships it proclaims on its website are fictitious. Various pages on the website remain in a rudimentary stage, […]

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