11 months ago


Fake stores

Loungstore.com, a relatively new website at 57 days old, has received reports of being a fraudulent online store. Evidence points to the site’s activities being carried out from China. The content on the website appears to be copied and the images used are not an accurate portrayal of the products for sale. There is no telephone number available for customer service on their site. Currently, the website has several pages still under construction, filled with filler content and placeholder tags. It is also notably absent of any customer reviews. Furthermore, the company’s presence on social media is practically non-existent.

A fake store scam is an online shopping scam where a fraudulent website poses as a legitimate online store. These scam sites lure unsuspecting shoppers with attractive deals and take their money without delivering the promised goods.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam operates by creating a copy of a reputable online store. The scammers then lure unsuspecting shoppers with too-good-to-be-true promises. Outrageously low prices, limited-time offers, or hard-to-find items are often their bait. Once a shopper bites, they're directed to an impressive-looking but phony website. Here, they are asked to input their credit card or bank details for payment. The trick is that no purchase is ever made. Instead, the scammers get their hands on the inputted sensitive financial information. There's another twist to this scam. Some fake stores pretend to sell your desired items and after payment, you receive nothing but silence. Their customer service is unreachable, and your goods never arrive. The store simply vanishes, leaving you with a lighter pocket. In a nutshell, fake store scams rely on deception and the excitement of a good deal. They exploit the trust people normally have for online shopping and turn it against them.


Codewavecryptoinvest.com is a scam site pretending to be a crypto exchange. The content on the site looks fake and is not copied from other similar pages. The website is new, only 102 days old when checked. They promise high returns on your investment, but once you send your money, the scammers take it and vanish. […]


Veldslaapzak.com, a recently launched website, is suspected of being a fraudulent online store. The site is filled with unfinished pages that contain generic text and filler phrases. Despite its online presence, the company lacks a significant social media footprint. Furthermore, it has no reviews on well-known consumer feedback platforms. The merchandise displayed on the site […]


The website, Multifs-s9trade.com, is operating a fraudulent investment scheme. They promise you significant returns on your investment. However, once you transfer the funds to them, they abscond with your money. This website does not have a presence on any social media platform. Furthermore, there is no customer service phone number available on the website. An […]


The website Cambridgelux.com has been identified as an operation involved in investment fraud. The site makes grand promises of substantial returns on investments, however, once the investment is made, the fraudsters behind the scheme abscond with your funds. No reviews have been posted on major consumer review platforms endorsing the company. Their social media presence […]


Digitalfortunecapital.com, a relatively new website at 144 days old, is involved in an investment scam. The contact numbers listed on the site are no longer in service, and the business address provided is fictitious. Despite claiming to operate under a registered business name, no such registration exists with the secretary of state. The company’s social […]

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