1 year ago


Fake stores

Many shoppers have lodged complaints against Livingnovelty.com, accusing it of operating a counterfeit shop scam. It appears the website’s content is not original, bearing a striking resemblance to other similar websites. The items available for purchase on this site are not genuine and their low-quality materials could potentially be hazardous. The company has not established any presence on social media platforms. In addition, the website contains many incomplete pages, riddled with default content and placeholder text.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online retailer. These scams trick consumers into purchasing counterfeit goods or, in some cases, receiving nothing at all after making payment. The websites often look professional and may closely mimic genuine online stores to deceive unsuspecting shoppers.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is an online scheme designed to steal money. Scammers use the allure of low prices on popular or high-demand items. They set up phony online retail websites or social media accounts. Shoppers think they've found a bargain and make a purchase. The scammer then takes this money without delivering the promised goods. Some scams may even use counterfeit items to deliver something while still defrauding the customer. A common tactic is to use copied images and descriptions from legitimate websites. The scammers may also use fake customer reviews and trust badges. All these things are designed to make the scam seem real and trustworthy. Scammers also often demand payment through non-standard methods. They'll push for wire transfers, gift cards, or cryptocurrencies. This is because such payments are difficult to trace or reverse, they like making it more challenging to recoup lost money.


Safeandsoundhq.shop has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The images displayed on this website do not accurately represent the products being sold. The products available on this digital marketplace are counterfeit and could pose potential hazards due to the low-quality materials used in their manufacture. The content of the website is plagiarized, and there […]


Infinitebes.shop is a scam. The products listed are knock-offs and might be dangerous due to poor-quality materials used. When discovered, the site was just 26 days old. There’s no customer service phone number available. The content on the site looks copied from other similar websites, suggesting it’s not original. Beware of fake store scams. They […]


Modeshoesshop.com has been found to be a fraudulent online store. The products listed on the site are counterfeit and potentially dangerous due to the substandard materials used in their production. The content on the site is not original, and the images used do not accurately represent the products being sold. The website also contains numerous […]


Megapremiumlivetrading.org runs an investment scam. We found this out when the site was just 8 days old. The site shows fake reviews from made-up customers. They have no social media presence. You can’t reach their customer service through the phone numbers listed. The company isn’t registered in the state it claims to operate in. The […]


Customers have highlighted Finixswipe.com as a crypto exchange sham. This website, surprisingly young at 20 days old, came under scrutiny. The site lacks a customer service phone number. Notably, the company remains absent on well-known consumer review platforms. The website is riddled with incomplete pages, default content, and filler text. False claims of partnerships also […]

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