11 months ago


Fake stores

Lifestylemenswear.com has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The items displayed on the site are untruthfully represented in their pictures. Detected when the website was just 59 days old, it was found not to have a customer service phone line. The content on the website is far from unique. The products it lists are not genuine and could potentially be harmful due to the low-quality materials used in their manufacture. None of the major consumer review platforms had any reviews for the company. Many of the website’s pages are still under construction, containing only default content and filler text.

A fake store scam is an online scheme where a website poses as a legitimate business to trick consumers. These sites often display counterfeit or non-existent products, lack customer service contact information, and may even use copied or generic website content. The goal is to lure customers into making purchases, only for them to receive substandard products or nothing at all. They’re often detected by a lack of reviews on reputable platforms and underdeveloped web pages.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Default content
Fake address
Fake business name
Fake images
Fake promises
Recently registered
Unfinished website
Unrealistic discounts

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam is a fraudulent operation. Scammers operate by setting up a website or social media page presenting themselves as a legitimate business. They typically offer high-demand products at irresistibly low prices. Some even offer free items. The store may have a professional design and positive customer reviews. These reviews, however, are generally fake. Once a customer makes a purchase, the scammer will either send a counterfeit product, a product of inferior quality, or nothing at all. In some cases, they may provide a tracking number for a nonexistent parcel. The aim is to convince the buyer that their purchase is on the way. This tactic is effective in delaying complaints or chargebacks. The scammer can vanish with the money before the buyer realizes they've been duped. These stores rarely accept secure payment methods, like credit cards or PayPal. Instead, they tend to ask for direct bank transfers or cryptocurrency. These methods make it more difficult for victims to recover their money.


Travaxbt.com, a newly established website, is orchestrating a deceptive cryptocurrency exchange scheme. The website, which is just 84 days old at the time of this report, promises significant returns on investments. However, once the investment is made, the perpetrators abscond with the funds. The website flaunts partnerships that, upon closer inspection, prove to be fraudulent. […]


Bitcryptomarkets.com, a relatively new website, is under scrutiny for allegedly operating a fraudulent crypto exchange. Consumers have raised concerns about its legitimacy, as it promises significant returns on investments. However, once the money is invested, it is taken by the operators who then disappear. A closer look at the website reveals several incomplete pages, filled […]


Hobby-tennis.com, a website that’s been around for just 92 days, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The assets that it displays are not genuine, and potentially harmful due to the substandard materials used during manufacturing. The site’s management seems to be primarily based in China, which is a significant red flag. Furthermore, the […]


Clothingnear.com, an online shopping platform, is currently under scrutiny for operating a fraudulent store. The site’s management seems to be based in China, as per the available evidence. Interestingly, the images showcased on the website are not authentic, raising further doubts about the site’s legitimacy. A noticeable absence from social media platforms also casts a […]


On March 10, 2023, Swardpdo.com was reported as a fraudulent online store. The website is a recent addition, having been registered on February 20, 2023, and was only 18 days old at the time of the complaint. The website’s owner is concealed by a third-party privacy service. While the website asserts that it is run […]

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