3 months ago


Fake stores

Leatheshoes.com, a website barely 128 days old, has been found to be operating a counterfeit store scam. The site doesn’t provide a phone number for customer service, and the images used are not genuine. The official business name of the company remains undisclosed, and it lacks a significant presence on social media platforms.

A fake store scam involves a fraudulent website posing as a legitimate online store. These scams lure unsuspecting customers into purchasing non-existent goods, often using fake images and descriptions to make the store appear real. The scammers typically don’t provide any customer service contact information, and they often disappear without a trace after collecting money from their victims.

Red Flags

Fake images
Recently registered

Missing Information

No business name
No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves the creation of a fraudulent online store. These fake stores appear legitimate, complete with product listings and customer reviews. They often offer popular items at significantly lower prices to attract customers. Scammers behind these fake stores promise quick delivery and hassle-free transactions. They use professional-looking websites and secure payment systems to gain trust. Some even create fake social media profiles to enhance their credibility. The scam unfolds when a customer makes a purchase. The customer pays, but the product never arrives. The fake store then disappears, along with the customer's money. The scammers may also use the customer's credit card information for further fraudulent activities.


Our investigations reveal that Shopkappaus.shop is a fraudulent online store. When we first noticed, the website was just a month old. The lack of a customer service phone number on the website is a red flag. Another alarming factor is the presence of duplicate content. The website’s content is not original, it’s ripped off from […]


Our investigation has revealed that Katemarkerhome.shop is functioning as a fraudulent online store. The materials on the website do not exhibit originality, but rather, they replicate the content of other similar sites. The products offered for sale on this website are not authentic and could potentially pose a risk due to the substandard materials used […]


We’ve discovered that Bikinissuit.com is running a fraudulent online shop. The website, which is 56 days old at the time of our investigation, appears to have lifted content from other similar sites, implying a lack of originality. It’s selling counterfeit products that could be hazardous due to the poor quality of the materials used in […]


We’ve discovered that Assetideal.online is running an investment scam. They promise significant returns on your investment, but once you invest, they disappear with your money. The website contains incomplete pages with generic content and placeholder text. Additionally, there are no followers on their social media accounts, and the photos displayed on the site are fraudulent. […]


On February 21, 2023, Superti.shop was classified as a counterfeit website. This website is a replica of costco.com and is believed to be intended for phishing scams. It is strongly advised that consumers refrain from accessing this website and refrain from providing any personal or financial information under any circumstances.  

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