9 months ago


Fake stores

Leathershowroom.shop is operating a fraudulent scheme, presenting itself as a legitimate online store. The products they offer are not genuine, and could potentially be harmful due to the substandard materials used in their production. The content on this site is far from unique. A glaring omission is the lack of a customer support phone number, which is typically a standard feature for reputable businesses. A thorough examination of the website revealed several incomplete pages, littered with default content and placeholder text. It’s also worth noting that the company is conspicuously absent from social media platforms.

A fake store scam is when an online platform pretends to be a legitimate business, but in reality, it’s a fraudulent scheme. They often sell counterfeit goods made from low-quality materials, which can be potentially harmful. These sites usually lack unique content, have incomplete pages filled with placeholder text, and don’t offer customer support. They also typically have no presence on social media platforms.

Red Flags

Copycat content
Unfinished website

Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
A fake store scam involves individuals setting up fraudulent online stores. These stores often lure consumers with promises of highly discounted or hard-to-find items. They create a sense of urgency, suggesting the deal is limited or will soon end. Scammers use professional looking websites and fake customer reviews to appear legitimate. They might even advertise on social media platforms using sponsored ads. Payment methods requested often lack consumer protection. This includes direct bank transfers or cryptocurrency. Once payment is made, the scammer either doesn't send the product or sends something of lesser value. When the customer tries to contact the store for a refund or exchange, they find that the website's contact information is fake. This scam requires careful planning and execution. The ability to convincingly impersonate a legitimate online store makes it particularly dangerous.


Tinagreen.top has come under scrutiny by shoppers who claim it’s operating a fraudulent online store. The content of the website appears to be replicated from elsewhere, and the products showcased are misleading and potentially harmful due to the inferior quality materials used in their production. Evidence points to China as the website’s operating base, raising […]


After careful scrutiny, we’ve unearthed that Digitalsignalsfx.com is functioning as a fraudulent investment scheme. They lure you with promises of immense returns on your investments. However, once the funds are transferred, the fraudsters vanish without a trace with your money. The company has no visible presence on any social media platforms. A significant number of […]


Zwillishop.com, a recently established website, has been flagged as a fraudulent online store. The domain name, at the time of the report, was only 55 days old. The products offered on the site are counterfeit, posing potential risks due to the subpar materials used in their manufacture. Moreover, the site’s content appears to be a […]


Languageto.shop operates a fraudulent online shop. It’s hard to find any reviews about the website, except for those on their own pages. Many of the site’s pages are still under construction, filled with generic text and placeholder phrases. The site doesn’t have any social media accounts. The pictures they use on the website are not […]


Reports have emerged about Jewelhazel.com, indicating it’s a deceptive storefront. The alarming discovery came about when the website was still in its infancy, just 91 days after its creation. Facts suggest that the site’s operations are rooted in China, raising further concerns. What’s more, it appears that the website’s content is not original, setting off […]

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