Our team has found that Julievelyn.com is acting as a counterfeit shop scam. The website was 42 days old when we discovered it. There’s no customer service phone number listed on the site. Its content exhibits noticeable copying from other similar sites, indicating a lack of originality. Products offered on this website are not genuine and may pose a risk due to the substandard materials used in their manufacturing. The images they have used are not real. There are several pages on the site that are still in the development phase and contain default content and placeholders,
A fake store scam is when a website pretends to be a legitimate online shop, but in reality, it’s a fraudulent scheme. They offer goods at enticing prices, but the products are either non-existent, counterfeit, or of extremely low quality. The aim is to trick customers into sharing their personal information or making payments for items they will never receive.