Jakarie.com, a website that has been active for 43 days, has been identified as a fraudulent online store. The website does not provide a customer service phone number, and its content seems to be a replica of other similar sites, raising suspicions about its authenticity. Various pages on the website are still under development, filled with default content and placeholder tags, suggesting a lack of professionalism. Moreover, the company’s presence on social media platforms is almost non-existent, making it even more dubious. There is also a noticeable absence of the company on well-known consumer review platforms. Even the photographs displayed on this site are not genuine.
A fake store scam is a fraudulent scheme where a website poses as a legitimate online store to deceive customers. These scams often involve copying content from other sites, displaying fake images, and lacking any real customer service or social media presence. They often don’t have any customer reviews and are typically newly created websites.