4 days ago


Investment scams

Iqi-globals.online has been flagged as an investment scam. They promise high returns on investments, but once you put in your money, the scammers take it and vanish. The scam was uncovered when the site was just 15 days old. There’s no phone number for customer service on the website. The company doesn’t appear on major consumer review sites. You won’t find any trace of them on social media either.

An investment scam tricks people into giving money with false promises of high returns, only for the scammers to disappear with the funds.

Red Flags

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Missing Information

No phone numbers
No reviews
No social media
Investment scams deceive people into giving money with false promises of high returns. Scammers often claim guaranteed profits with little to no risk. They may present fake testimonials or fabricated success stories to build trust. These fraudsters often use high-pressure tactics, urging quick decisions to prevent potential losses. They may create a sense of urgency by claiming limited-time offers. Scammers frequently target vulnerable individuals, exploiting their financial insecurities. They may also use complex jargon to appear legitimate and knowledgeable. Many scammers operate through online platforms, making it harder to trace them. They often disappear once they have collected enough money, leaving victims with significant financial losses.


Consumers have flagged Coinsfxtrader.com as a dubious investment scheme. The site promises high returns on investments, but after depositing money, investors find themselves duped as the fraudsters disappear. The site doesn’t have any social media footprint. The site contains a plethora of unfinished pages, littered with default content and placeholder text. It claims partnerships that […]


Orbitnitro.com, a newly launched website of only 78 days, has been flagged for suspicious activity. It’s working as a cryptocurrency exchange, but signs point to it being a scam. They lure potential investors with the promise of hefty profits. But once the investment is made, the money disappears into thin air, with the scammers nowhere […]


Plumpjackwinesusa.shop has been flagged as an untrustworthy online store. When discovered, the website was merely 29 days old, raising immediate suspicions. It fails to provide a customer service contact number, further fueling doubts regarding its legitimacy. The content on the site lacks originality and appears not to have been plagiarized from other similar web pages. […]


The website Capital-global.online has been flagged as a potential investment scam. Promising high returns on your investment, the site entices unsuspecting individuals to part with their money. However, once the funds are transferred, the fraudsters vanish, leaving the investors high and dry. The website’s content raises further suspicions, as it appears to have been lifted […]


Relichot.com, a recently launched website, is under scrutiny for being a fraudulent online store. The domain, only 143 days old at the time of reporting, lacks key features such as a customer support phone number. The items displayed on the site are misrepresented through inaccurate illustrations. The company’s social media presence is non-existent, with no […]

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